47 - UNSTABLE POTION - You may discard the Potion at the start of your turn and roll 2 dice:
(2) You are killed
(3-4) Suffer 6 Wounds
(5-6) Suffer 3 Wounds
(7) No effect
(8-10) Heal up to 3 Wounds
(11-12) Heal up to 6 Wounds

39 - SHADE - Keep this card. At the start of each of your turns, roll 2 dice:
(2) You are Killed!
(3-12) Continue your turn as normal.

Discarad this card if you enter the Catacombs or exit Dragonfire Dungeon.

0 - TROLL - You may attack or try to escape. If you attack or fail to escape, you must resolve a combat.

5 - SKELETON - You may attack or try to escape. If you attack or fail to escape, you must resolve a combat.

37 - PASSAGE DOWN - Place a catacomb entrance marker on this chamber. Next turn, you may enter the Catacombs if you wish.