47 - UNSTABLE POTION - You may discard the Potion at the start of your turn and roll 2 dice:
(2) You are killed
(3-4) Suffer 6 Wounds
(5-6) Suffer 3 Wounds
(7) No effect
(8-10) Heal up to 3 Wounds
(11-12) Heal up to 6 Wounds

24 - EMPTY - The room is empty; nothing happens.

1 - GOLEM - You may attack or try to escape. If you attack or fail to escape, you must resolve a combat.

14 - EMPTY - The room is empty; nothing happens.

25 - TORCH GOES OUT - Keep this card. At the start of each of your turns, test Luck to relight your torch. If you succeed, discard this card and continue your turn as normal. If you fail, your turn immediately ends.