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Top 5 Zombie Movies
Kevin Boink (10/31/2011)
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Goto Comments

Top 5 Zombie MoviesToday they are everywhere. They used to just occupy our movie theaters....but now they fill our bookstores, our video games, comic shops. They star in television shows and are featured in commercials.
I am talking, of course, about the living dead. Popularly, we refer to them as zombies.
Due to the genius of George Romero they have become as popular and as familiar to us as Dracula and Frankenstein's Monster. Unlike the monsters of folklore they're origins are in the movie theater.
So, let's look at the best of the zombie movies. What are the top 5 zombie movies, and what makes them the best?
#5 Zombieland
Top 5 Zombie MoviesThis movie is just lots of fun. How can you go wrong with a horror/comedy about a road trip across a United States filled with flesh eating ghouls? Add a stellar cast starring Woody Harrelson and Jesse Eisenberg and featuring a hilarious guest appearance by Bill Murray.

Include a good practical set of rules for surviving the inevitable zombie appocalypse, and you've got a classic which is more fun then a barrel of undead monkeys.

There was talk for a time about a sequel in 3d but nothing came of it. Now there's word that Zombieland is in development for an upcoming tv show from Fox.

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Your Comments:
Juan de los Muertos is better than #4, by much. Even Zombieland is better than #4, why is even #4 on the list, LOL. I think you get the point.

Posted by: Yamil on 10/1/2014 12:55:58 PM
I am sooo! mad they dont have shaun of the dead on there grrrrrr!

Posted by: morgan smith on 12/29/2011 6:54:09 AM
@Ste: The author of this article, Kevin Boink, is an avid horror geek that would put other geeks to shame. In fact, he's working with a major company right now to bring his own Zombie project to reality. I assure you, Kevin knows his Zombie movies.

Posted by: The Le on 11/9/2011 4:13:32 PM
my guess is these are the only 5 zombie films he's seen...
no shaun of the dead or zombie flesh eaters in a top 5 zombie list says to me the poll was put together by someone who didnt do his home work.
americans arnt the only people who make zombie films
oh night hasnt got a scratch on the original dawn either

Posted by: Ste on 11/9/2011 3:29:59 PM
2things zombie land is good shaun of the dead is better
and i am legend is a vampire movie not a zomb flick

Posted by: dmax on 11/7/2011 9:40:52 AM
how the heck is zombie land #5??

Posted by: heroclix fan on 11/2/2011 4:48:08 PM

Posted by: bp29 on 11/2/2011 5:56:57 AM
what about i an legend

Posted by: bp29 on 11/2/2011 5:46:18 AM
White Zombie was the first Zombie movie, it was done by the Halpern Studios and starred Bela Lugosi. It introduced the world to the Zombies from Haiti and was loosely based on the book The White Island which detailed life in Haiti.

Last Man on Earth is the story "I am Legend". Richard Matheson, the author of the novella I am Legend wrote the screenplay. It is an awesome movie in public domain. The living dead in that movie are not vampires, they are the living dead who feed on blood. Sounds like vampires but that's not what they are. Great movie, true to the original story and much more interesting than the Will Smith "I am Legend" movie with its heartwarming ending or the Charleton Heston dreck "Omega Man" which is also loosely based on I am Legend.

Posted by: Dr. Faustin on 11/1/2011 12:34:20 PM
I would have probably expanded the list to ten and added films like "The Dead" about a guy who has to cross Africa without realizing he's in the middle of the Zombie apocalypse, to the latest parody satire called "Juan Of The Dead" about a Cuban during the outbreak, to Billy Connolly in the lead of a zombie lassie as "Fido". I agree with your top pick and would be tempted to tie it with the remake. Same for "Dawn Of The Dead" because it's hard to beat Ving Rhames. There was a zombie film a few years ago from China that had arena combat and ended with the heroes driving away in a chip truck after defeating one final zombie who had false teeth (wish I could recall the title it had many memorable scenes for something in subtitles). But getting back to point with such a variety of the subject how could you limit yourself to just five?

Posted by: David Riches on 10/31/2011 8:42:30 PM
Romero got his idea for Night of the Living Dead from the italian movie, "Last Man on Earth" star Vincent Price. It's basically the same story, but the zombies are Vampires. It gives him the idea to make the zombies, man-eaters.

Posted by: Tikiphantom on 10/31/2011 6:49:33 PM
The first full length Zombie film was called White Zombie in 1932. George Romero copied his ideas from that movie. Yes I'm old but I'm not a Zombie, not a Zombie at all.....Brains........brains....

Posted by: Tony Antoniuk on 10/31/2011 10:32:37 AM
I agree with just about everything Boink says except for the part that Romero created the living dead. not that I dont consider Romero the father of the ever present zombie culture, but the living dead has been around since the beginning of civilization. peaple have always feared the dead coming back to life. for a few examples, vampires are zombies except they retain intellegence, voodoe/voodoo have practice bringing the dead back to life and even successfully created zombies(not that they actually die, they would poison a person who would then look dead, burry him technically alive, wait long enough time to cause brain damage from lack of oxygen, then unburry him, hence mindless being who was thought to be dead but sorry no brain eating for this poor sap). there has been many stories about zombies except they werent named that, it was Romero who linked the name to it for the most part. But I give great thanks to Romero because he is the one to bring the light on zombies and make them what they are today.

Posted by: Gbert on 10/30/2011 10:50:50 PM
Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead are the two best ZomComs out there - not sure which I would rate higher, but they both surpassed Dead Alive in my heart. I also highly recommend Bio-Zombie which on DVD has Engrish subtitles as a bonus feature.

Romero's Dawn of the Dead is one of the greatest serious movies of all time. As the review says, the portrayal of humanity is beautiful, horrible and dead on.

Posted by: Kragnorak on 10/30/2011 10:21:49 PM
Planning a Romero Trilogy marathon tomorrow night!

Posted by: Alex M. on 10/30/2011 9:27:38 PM