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A few months ago we did a poll, asking you to choose our next Quintessential article, and you chose Deathstroke! As you know we always follow through with our polls and at HeroClix World, votes always matter.
As usual, master designer Eric Schaen has done an amazing job to give you the Quintessential Deathstroke. Not overly powerful, this Deathstroke is a Wild Card with a respectable range of 7 (and two ranged attacks). A real assassin is good in close and ranged combat, and Quintessential Deathstroke is no exception with a special power that gives him 3 clicks of Charge, Running Shot, and Stealth. Of course, why would you want to take him in close when he can just sit on a rooftop and peg his opponents for 3 damage or Energy Explosion or Penetrating/Psychic Blast (and Precision Strike to boot).
Dial by Eric Schaen... Continued below...

Of course, once the Quintessential Deathstroke gets in close, he's just as deadly thanks to Blades/Claws/Fangs and Exploit Weakness... and a touch of Flurry. Make no mistake, this is an extremely diverse dial with top-dial that is focused on ranged combat and a bottom-dial focused on close combat. Regardless, a full dial of Indomitable will keep the Quintessential Deathstroke in the game and focused on his target (especially with the Judas Contract trait). Make no mistake, he's a primary attacker for any force at 300 points or 400 points!
This is definitely the Quintessential Deathstroke!