49 - SHUFFLE - Discard this card. Then mix together the Dungeon deck and Dungeon discard pile and shuffle them. Then draw another card from the Dungeon deck and continue your turn as normal.

30 - DEAD ADVENTURER - You may search the body for treasure. IF you choose to do so, draw 1 Corpse card.

0 - TROLL - You may attack or try to escape. If you attack or fail to escape, you must resolve a combat.

42 - TRAPDOOR - Keep this card. At the start of teach of your turns, test Agility to climb out of the trap. If you succeed, discard this card and continue your turn as normal. If you fail, suffer 1 wound and your turn immediately ends.

48 - CURSE OF THE WIZARD - Roll 1 die and rotate all Corridors in the following direction:
(1-2) 90 degrees clockwise
(3-4) 180 degrees
(5-6) 90 degrees counter-clockwise