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Honest Trailers: Man of Steel
The Le (01/23/2015)
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Goto Comments

It's been my belief that Man of Steel was a terrible film. There are so many problems with the film that it's hard to believe anyone thought it made sense at all. Seriously, Clark was taught to let a busload of children drown? REALLY? What a terrible film. But don't just take my word for it, check out this Honest Trailer for Man of Steel.

(warning: There are spoilers -- but it doesn't matter because it was a terrible film)

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Your Comments:
Anyone who takes issue with Man of Steel clearly missed the three Superman movies that came before it.

Posted by: The 4th Wall on 4/16/2015 4:53:16 AM
You want an in-depth look at why Man of Steel is a failure of a movie? Look no further.

Simply put, it's a complete and total failure of structure, tone, pacing, character in a movie sense, and in a comic sense, it has no comprehension of its characters or what makes its world endearing. It is an embarrassing exercise in indulgence and makes the classic mistake of confusing "dark and gritty" for "mature."

Posted by: Squabbler on 1/26/2015 3:59:48 PM
Why all the MOS bashing? Why don't you put your focus on truly horrible superhero movies. Like Ghost Rider 1-2, Punisher: War Zone, and more than likely AntMan.

The first Captain America, Hulk, and Thor movies weren't near as entertaining or well acted like MOS. MOS has some flaws, but it also had some jaw dropping action sequences and very good art direction.

Posted by: Unclebingo7 on 1/25/2015 11:09:21 AM
Man of Steel proves 2 things
1. They have the means to do a superb Superman movie FINALLY (even if MoS wasn't it, it was very entertaining)
2. A good DBZ movie should be on the horizons

Posted by: uhhhitsJon on 1/25/2015 7:22:16 AM
Hey Heroclixworld writers. Man of Steel is over with. Let it go and get back to focusing on Heroclix. Rants are negative and depressing. If you plan on continuing this consider changing your name to

Posted by: bizmanlance on 1/24/2015 11:58:07 AM
I liked the Man of Steel. It's not a classic. But it was very entertaining.

Posted by: clixinator on 1/23/2015 6:36:28 PM
What is with this site and its disdain for Man of Steel? I'm not going to claim it was a masterpiece, however, it was an interesting take on his origin. The Dark Knight had plot holes and people act like it was phenomenal.

Posted by: randomguy on 1/23/2015 3:32:17 PM
Man of Steel is the best superhero movie we've had so far. I have no issues with this movie whatsoever.

Posted by: eGGthegreat on 1/23/2015 12:52:20 PM