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The Quintessential Silver Surfer
ERic Schanen & The Le (04/23/2015)
Related: Quintessential Deathstroke
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Goto Comments

The Quintessential Silver Surfer HeroClix Dial

The Quintessential Silver Surfer HeroClix dial can be a tough one to do. He's just a guy riding a surf board in space, right? Wrong. The Silver Surfer is much more than that, and Eric Schaen is here to prove it to you!

The Quintessential series discusses just one character and presents the "ideal" HeroClix dial for that character.

We start things out with the and TA and the ability to play the The Quintessential Silver Surfer at 250 or 175 points. The 175-point level is already a pretty potent with Penetrating/Psychic Blast, Pulse Wave, Hypersonic Speed, and other goodies. But the 250 point level gets some much needed Impervious, a special power and the ability to "disappear" from the map and reappear anywhere on the next turn!

Dial by Eric Schaen (continued below)...

The Quintessential Silver Surfer

With all these powers, The Quintessential Silver Surfer is capable of taking on Thanos himself... as it should be! And just in case you get into trouble at the end, the Surfer can use Regeneration or can heal an ally fairly easily with his modified Support!

No relics needed here -- The Quintessential Silver Surfer is the full package!

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Your Comments:
@Le: you know what is love to see! the quentessential agent venom(aka) Eugene flash Thompson! He's one my favorite characters! Most of the flash Thompsons were good but they lack that perfect quality! Now I'm not bagging on them I own and love them all! I just would like that perfect agent venom!

Posted by: the 1 an only DEADPOOL on 4/29/2015 4:11:02 PM
Can we do a yin & yang Quintessential next up do Surfer DOOM or Cosmic DOOM. This kind of reminds me of the FLASH with the remove from the board double power action.

Posted by: Bliss on 4/28/2015 7:53:46 AM
Now that 250 line is a serious power Cosmic figure! Love it. Why we don't have a surfer with that dual TA yet is the real wonderment! Seriously WK we need that!

The 175 line may be a bit too powerful IMHO. Once you factor in the self-perplex giving him a 19DV on the off-chance that he can't get to safety with the HSS and 8 range he becomes pretty tough to take down when he has 125 points of supporting cast tying up and batting clean-up.

Posted by: MantisWarrior on 4/26/2015 10:54:38 AM
@ lord Logan: ok schmuck I don't like you at all... Do the math smart guy 175+150+75= 400 points STILL OVER 300 thank you!

Posted by: The 1 an only DEADPOOL on 4/24/2015 11:19:04 AM
Shaft is obviously playing him at 175

Posted by: Lord Logan on 4/24/2015 11:02:26 AM
@shaft:250+150+75=475? And namor and this diver surfer are already an even 400? I'm sure the judge will call you out on playing an almost 500point team in a 300 point game. Lol

Posted by: The 1 an only DEADPOOL on 4/24/2015 10:24:46 AM
We need a Surfer like this one for the Defenders. I would run him with AVX Namor at 150 and that Dr Strange at 75 in a 300 point game.

Posted by: Shaft! on 4/24/2015 9:29:26 AM
his hyperspace trait reminds me of "(DP) grasshopper: where he uses a double power action to jump off the map then back any where on the map. but this is traited and a one use move. But I like it.

Posted by: The 1 an only DEADPOOL on 4/24/2015 12:30:10 AM
Kaijuhero I agree.

Posted by: Prince of Orphans on 4/23/2015 8:04:37 PM
Add two clixs of life and you have a deal.

Posted by: kaijuhero on 4/23/2015 5:52:26 PM
I really like Hyperspace Travel.I think it is really fair and unlocks so much potential.He'll be tough to fit on a theme team however. I'd probably put him with really cheap tie-up pieces and let him go to work with Psy Blast. Then hold Hyperspace for when I really need it.

Posted by: Lord Logan on 4/23/2015 2:11:31 PM
There was a silver surfer that gained speed when he carried and didn't halve his speed value for running shot. He was less than 250 points just as this guy should be!

Posted by: uhhitsjon on 4/23/2015 10:18:14 AM
@FANT0MEX: yup yup! I totally missed that during editing (my bad). Support uses the unmodified value. I'll put up a fix later today when I get home from preschool (as a parent, not student).

Posted by: The Le on 4/23/2015 9:19:01 AM
You may want to change the wording for his special damage power to "replaces his attack value with his printed attack value +2."

Posted by: FANT0MEX on 4/23/2015 9:12:02 AM
Now, that is a great Silver Surfer. It's a shame Heroclix has never made one that great, or accurate.

Posted by: Terroculus on 4/23/2015 8:27:16 AM