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Fantastic Four Trailer
The Le Games (04/20/2015)
Related: Awesome Clix: Mr. Fantastic
Goto Comments

Dear DC, your Dawn of Justice trailer was "meh" at best. It was boring, with pointless splash images and a really horrible voice over. And, of course, you still have Ben Affleck.

Related: Top 5 Reasons Ben Affleck Will Suck as Batman

Perhaps you should take a page from the Fantastic Four. We still don't know if their reboot's going to be any good, but make no mistake -- they know how to make a good trailer. Perhaps, DC, you should get off of your Chris Nolan high horse and give us a good trailer.

See the new FF trailer now:

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Your Comments:
Seriously? We all knew that the Fantastic 4 reboot was going to be crap. It didn't even need a reboot, the two previous films will never be the "great superhero movies ever" but they were still decent movies.

Heck, fans of FF boycotted the reboot both because it was an unnecessary reboot and because they went politically correct and turned the Human Torch black for no reason.

This reboot also going to continue to get Dr. Doom wrong because they are going to give him powers, rather then Iron Man-like armor, which he should have. The Rise of the Silver Surfer attempted to get Dr. Doom right be largely ignoring his "powers" and putting him in armor, but they made him stupid - there's no way Dr. Doom would ignore the planet being destroyed. And the movie messed up Galactus.

BTW. Man of Steel was not a terrible movie. Its time to step up and admit you're wrong about that. Seriously.

Posted by: HeroClix GameMaster on 8/24/2015 7:12:32 PM

I hope everything you said was sarcasm.

Posted by: Lord Logan on 4/23/2015 2:12:20 PM
Not bad. It's come a long way from the first "meh" version. It's almost as good as the BvS:DOJ trailer.

Posted by: Benjaim on 4/23/2015 12:47:37 AM
@Deadpool: Making a giant mechanical/robot look good on screen is easy. Making a giant dude in purple armor look good on screen is nigh impossible.

Posted by: The Le on 4/21/2015 8:47:09 PM
Actually a better choice would be Thanos. They made him look pretty boss lol

Posted by: Deadpool on 4/21/2015 7:21:34 PM
Hey if they can turn Optimus prime from cartoon to a 50ft tall walking BA I'm sure they could make him look awesome lol

Posted by: Deadpool on 4/21/2015 7:20:24 PM
@Deadpool: I completely disagree about Galactus being a letdown in the FF2 movie. Think about it -- how stupid would a 200-foot-high man in pink and purple armor look in a live action movie?

Posted by: The Le on 4/21/2015 7:09:25 PM
I think for th biggest let down in FF2 was the storm cloud... You can't tell me that was supposed to be galactus...

Posted by: Deadpool on 4/21/2015 7:01:51 PM
@Deadpool: I rather liked X2 and Days of Future Past, and FF2 was watchable. But yeah, most of the others sucked. As for Columbia, Spider-2 was great and I really though Amazing Spider-Man was extremely well done... but their others sucked too.

Posted by: The Le on 4/21/2015 3:20:29 PM
Yeah I know but my love for the character will help power through foxes pathetic attempts at making it good lol

Posted by: Deadpool on 4/21/2015 2:40:14 PM
@Deadpool: Are you being ironic? Because... you know... the Deadpool movie is in Fox's hand.

Posted by: The Le on 4/21/2015 2:31:05 PM
fantastic 4, Spider-Man ghost rider, x men... All bad movies cause they are owned by fox... Can't wait for my deadpool movie!!!! "Best marvel movie of all time" nailed it!!!

Posted by: Deadpool on 4/21/2015 1:53:17 PM
So... numbered questions:

1) I see Mr. Blue is in this film. Is he the Leader yet?
2) Is The Thing being played by Korg?
3) Is it a bad sign when the best actor in the trailer is just playing Johnny Storm's dad?
4) This makes 3 origin movies so far. I guess we're supposed to wait for the Fantastic Fourth?

Posted by: Kragnorak on 4/21/2015 9:50:07 AM
Once they gave Daredevil up, something fantastic was done with it :)

Posted by: D on 4/21/2015 6:39:19 AM
It was meh for me as well. The johnny storm 'race' change wasn't the issue. It is the fact that it is not tied to the MCU in any way, so it makes it feel less like a Marvel film. That is also why I feel like the Spider-Man movies weren't as successful....Would have been nice for the F4 to make an appearance in Captain America: Civil War, but oh well. FOX, give it up already.

Posted by: D on 4/21/2015 6:38:21 AM
Please get Doom right,please get Doom right, please get Doom right, please get Doom right, please get Doom right,please get Doom right....

Posted by: Player2 on 4/20/2015 2:16:47 PM
Yeah not feeling it. The changes make it feel less and less about Marvels first family, and more about 4 or 5 random people in an experiment.

Posted by: Slade on 4/20/2015 12:18:02 PM
Ok this movie looks even wirse than the other two they did... Fox give Marvels Intellectual Property back so they can do something good with it!!!

Posted by: Fox Suxxors on 4/20/2015 11:19:56 AM
But this trailer scares me more than the SM vs BM one.

1) I hope there is a reason for changing Johnny Storm's race(great actor, enhancing the dynamic between characters, something deep I'm missing at the moment) not just a patronising equality move. There is nothing wrong with JS being black but, equally, there is nothing wrong with him being white either I'm a bit confused as to why they've changed him. Is he still Sue's brother?
2) Is it me or do they all look way too young!?
3) Origin update, fine. Origin change?!?!?! Not convinced.
4) Thing does look a LOT better than in the previous movies though!

Posted by: MantisWarrior on 4/20/2015 8:37:45 AM
This movie is going to be horrible. A black Johnny Storm is completely stupid. And a Thing that can change back to normal ruins his character.

Don't even get me started on nerdy weak Dr. Doom.

Posted by: Lord Logan on 4/20/2015 7:48:31 AM