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Fixing Superman
The Le (03/03/2011)
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Related: Man of Steel HeroClix Spoilers
Related: Man of Steel: How It Should Have Ended
Related: Man of Steel Review
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Goto Comments

Fixing Superman Costume#3 BRING BACK THE "S"
Costume design is important for any movie, but it's especially important for superhero ones. The Dark Knight took a gritty real world approach to its hero, and it worked well. Not so much for Superman Returns.

As bad as the Green Goblin looked in the first Spider-Man movie, it didn't hurt the movie overall because Spider-Man was still a brightly colored hero.

Even a movie like Dick Tracy proves that color works, and nitty-gritty-realism isn't always needed.

That being said, we want the big "S" back on Superman's costume... and we want the bright colors back too. The Superman Returns costume was made of dark hues and tiny "S" that looked really stupid on actor Brandon Routh. If it looked stupid on him, imagine how stupid it would look on someone who's more muscular. I can't imagine how bad Christopher Reeves would have looked in the bland new costume.

Spider-Man proves that a bright colored larger-than-life superhero can work on the big screen, and a new Superman movie deserves no less.

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Your Comments:
my vote for Superman. Someone that looks the part as he was drawn in the comics. Square jaw, Muscles, Chrismatic, Muscles, Can pull off the Superman being pissed look and Muscles. My Vote. The wrestler/actor John Cena. Pay Vince McMann(the promoter of John Cena) his cut and give us a superman I can be proud of

Posted by: Sir Christopher on 11/10/2011 8:15:47 PM
I just hope Zack doesn't sell out the puristic nature of Superman. Donnor was smeared by liberal biased Hollywood because he dared to give Superman Chirst-like aspects. As much as you hate Superman Returns, it was awesome when he hovered above the city with Lois and asks why the world needs a Savior and asks if she can hear anything and he says he can hear every cry. The aspect of Superman that is the pure self-sacrificing, morally pure Superman is absolutely critical. It's like the morons that recently made Superman a non-American! C'mon, these writing idiots need to represent where the superheroes can from and not simply turn Superman into a live action anime superbot! Superman fights for truth, justice, and the AMERICAN way! Quit trying to pander to everyone and get the character right!

Posted by: Greg on 7/22/2011 7:07:20 AM
I'm with The Le. Superman Returns was incredibly boring.

Posted by: Owlman166 on 7/15/2011 1:43:48 PM
Superman Returns was terrible. He can't lift a plane at the start but chucks a giant KRYPTONITE meteor into space at the end?

They need to do a complete reboot and make the movies actually like the comics (you know Superman actually kicks a lot of a** in the comics). The best thing any body involved in this new movie could do is forget there ever was another Superman movie, forget Reeves, forget Hackman; think SUPERMAN! And cast Superman! don't cast Clark Kent!

Or, you could get really artsy and make the movie called Lex Luthor. Cast Lex as the hero who is trying to save the planet from an alien god-being.

Posted by: Jamieson00 on 5/2/2011 9:23:51 AM
Personally, I'm excited to see Superman actually punch something. Zack does some awesome things with the camera. Watchmen was great. Zack, if your reading this, this guy doesn't speak for all of us.

Posted by: Zach on 3/21/2011 5:28:49 PM
Wow, what a statement to open your article with. You lost all credibility after that. You are definitely in the minority among comic book fans if you think that was a bad movie. Just because they changed the ending? It could have been Ang Lee's Hulk or any number of really terrible comic book movies.

Posted by: Zion on 3/7/2011 10:53:49 PM
300 better than Watchmen? 300 was softcore gay porn and Watchmen was about as good an adaptation you're going to get without it being boring as #@%%.

Posted by: scrotence on 3/7/2011 3:22:47 PM
Superman Returns was just awful... I thought Lex was pretty good, though he could have been better. I have never really been a fan of the man in tights, anyway, since Batman could kick his butt any day of the week, IMHO. No offense to Supes fans, but it's true. He's always prepared.

Posted by: Owlman166 on 3/3/2011 8:12:06 PM
Always entertained, I must say I disagree with most of your comments on this post. Superman Returns movie was a refreshing twist from the character we know or thought we knew. Superman returns and finds out he has a kid!!! I say tell me more!!! Superman The Man of Steel title seems to suggest that we'll see more super power action and fight scenes. And Zack Snyder's movies are AWESOME! Everyone knows that if Zack Snyder doesn't do his Slow-mo effects with the Man of Steel how will we see his awesome moves when he goes super speed? Coz' only Zack can capture the Man of Steel that way... Duh!?

Posted by: Ianator on 3/3/2011 7:38:59 PM
im sorry but awful watchmen film??? what planet are you on le??

unless this is supposed to be ironic?

Posted by: elliott on 3/3/2011 4:57:45 PM
How about instead of redoing Superman, Batman, Spider-man Hulk and etc, we give characters never seen on the screen a chance? I'd like to see...

Teen Titans
Beta Ray Bill
Agents of Atlas

And there are so much more options!!!!

Posted by: Lord Logan on 3/3/2011 4:11:43 PM
The movie business is big business - they will do what is best for the bottom line, in their opinion. They could care less about comic readers, they want movie goers, and that is why they make such awful choices - for the "tweens" - ugh!
Sadly the best hope for comic fans are actually cartoons!

Posted by: on 3/3/2011 3:17:26 PM
for the record...Nintendo Missles destroyed a million dollar franchise, so I'd talk lightly about them,k?


Posted by: rick leo on 3/3/2011 1:43:36 PM
Sadly, as it seems they are going to have General Zod as the baddy in the new movie. Stoopid choice, I want a Darkseid/Superman movie with parademons, mother boxes, boom tubes, and the New Gods Simply do the right thing and prove to us that W.B does not mean Without Brains!!

Posted by: john Stracuzzi on 3/3/2011 11:45:11 AM
There is no reason to bother with another superman movie, apart from the original 1 and 2, all the TV shows and films since have been aweful...

why bother?

do a different DC character, we've had a good run of batman recently, green lantern on the way, why not try the flash or martian man hunter... give a longer break and do some other stories and come back to superman later... He's such a pointless hero they should leave him in the 50s where his underwear on the outside and glasses as a disguise self belong!

Posted by: adam on 3/3/2011 11:22:38 AM
As for this origin thing, as much as I don't like it I think they almost have to retell the origin. The reason for this is that it builds a bond between you and the hero if you know where he come from. If they don't do that then you know nothing about this guy nor do you care if he gets his a** kicked because you have nothing invested. I also agree but disagree that they should get a more popular actor for superman. I know that everyone wants someone that's tried and true and everyone knows they can act but they wanted an unknown in the very first superman so it was more believable. If they get some one like keanu reeves or brad Pitt to do this you won't see superman you will see neo or Tyler derdin up there instead. They need to go with an unknown in my opinion.

Posted by: Japete61 on 3/3/2011 10:04:42 AM
To me, the hardest part about this whole superman thing is finding a good villain that is worthy of a hero as powerful as superman. I mean the guy blew out a star for crying out loud! You have to use lex because when you think sups you think lex also but they should bring in a second villain that can offer up a distraction and lure superman into a luthor trap. My vote for this would be Metallo. You could have lex make him and in the final battle of the movie lex could have his armor ready (I'm thinking kind of like backlash from the 2nd ironman movie with his helmet off). Then you have some one that can match sups brains and bron.

Posted by: Japete61 on 3/3/2011 9:54:39 AM
I'm going to elaborate on the villain thing: it needs to be a SUPER villain. Lex was alright at first (though he's really been played out), but I want to see someone that Superman can really unleash on. I mean, I want to see car smashing, buildings crumbling; something epic. It makes sense that they couldn't do that in the 80's movies but technologies come a long ways and they could easily keep up with his comic book self.

Posted by: Michael Moore on 3/3/2011 8:35:29 AM
watchmen was good movie, and I perfer slow motion over fast paced cutting back and forth where you can't even tell whats going on.

Posted by: jwas on 3/3/2011 8:25:02 AM
@thearthandyman: LOL. All comments are welcome! Especially constructive criticisms! Note that "we" always refer to HeroClix World's official opinion.

Posted by: The Le on 3/3/2011 8:08:30 AM
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your site and only wish to see improvements. Constructive criticism...that's all.

Posted by: thearthandyman on 3/3/2011 7:49:03 AM
Personally, I think you're being too hard on Zack, of all the directors that have taken on a comic title, I think he has been truer to the source material than the rest. That being said, what's with referring to yourself as "we"? You say "we" like everyone is on the same side of the street as yourself. If YOU have an opinion about a topic, than take credit for it. You sound like Venom decided to try his hand at journalism. And for Pete's sake, proofread your material more than once....and then do it again.

Posted by: thearthandyman on 3/3/2011 7:46:54 AM
I already think its going to be a disaster. Its totaly wrong to bring in a short 6'0" British actor to play Superman. He may be talented, but NO, NO, NO. Superman is something like 6'3"-6'4" and 100% all-america from Kansas.

But like you and many more of us I will go see it. I'll pay my money just because its Superman. As far as the movie goes I hope its not another origin movie but probably will be since as you put it, its for the tweens. Its the popular way to make a movie today no matter how inaccurate it is.

Posted by: Nightwing-fan on 3/3/2011 6:02:57 AM