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Top 5 Spider-Man Clix
Eric "Slade Wilson" Schaen (05/25/2011)
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Related: Top 10 Amazing Spider-Man Covers
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Goto Comments

#4 Unique Armor Wars (House of M)
This version of Spider-man also offered a couple of things not available to previous versions – a 6 range value and the mutant keyword. House of M Spidey also offered some options. You cold move him into striking distance to Incapacitate from 6 spaces away.  Another option is to base an opponent for the chance to deal out 4 damage using Close Combat Expert on your next turn. Or, you use the Pounce feat with a better attack value and less damage potential. The nice thing about using pounce, it placed him on his second clix which gave him a 10 attack flurry option with 3 damage. All the while, his Super Senses are there to keep him from taking damage.

Continued below...
HeroClix Spider-Man Armor Wars Dial

The mutant keyword was running rampant at the time keywords were assigned, and this made this version a great choice for team ups with the X-Men. I remember I enjoyed using a Jean Grey to TK Spidey right next to a foe and made use of his 11 attack and CCE. Later on his dial, he drops the super senses in exchange for combat Reflexes. When the rules change on Combat reflexes took effect, he gained a major plus in close combat sporting a 20 defense. Combined with a mid-dial up swing with a 10 attack value and Incapacitate, this Spidey turns into a great harassment piece. Unfortunately he lacks the Spider-man team ability, but thanks to his low cost of 72 points, he is a great pick for your golden age games and can probably still hold his own in a modern age game.

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Your Comments:
You need to update this list.

Posted by: Mexicano2016 on 9/5/2016 1:05:40 AM
Call me noob, but why Traits are immune to outwit? I mean, isn't trait an ability?

Posted by: Yo.Com on 7/5/2013 8:34:54 PM
@ the Le: You should do a top 5 Batman and top 5 Superman

Posted by: Licensedhero on 11/28/2012 10:30:11 PM
where is the web of spiderman by the brick

Posted by: bp29 on 11/2/2011 5:30:10 AM
I would have put the starter set spidey higher up on the list. I have gotten more proverbial bang for the buck out of this figure than any other spider-man. I prefer it over the Ultimates vet in which it's tied with for a low cost Spidey. Whenever I had to quickly fill out a team on the fly, this figure always wound up in the line-up.

Posted by: First Lensman on 6/6/2011 9:54:35 AM
I think cosmic spidey should have some credit, ya he might be huge in cost but and cheesy to use but on a 400 point team and run the atom from the green lantern starter cosmic is near unstoppable

Posted by: Jeris on 5/27/2011 10:09:14 AM
this article i agree with heavily, the first three are just nasty (looking, never fought against), but the last two are just REDICULOUS

Posted by: Sparkdemon on 5/26/2011 8:07:23 PM
@ Nitecrawler24 ah good catch I meant to point out that WOS spidey is the first of the modern age figures to get the 18 upfront. I love it whe n guys like you keep me honest!

Posted by: Slade Wilson on 5/26/2011 10:29:29 AM
actually, the vet spidey from infinity challenge has a starting 18 defense value. they didn't give him super senses, but back in the day an 18 didn't need any extra protection. and at 110, he was only good for his starting 12 attack value. in today's game, he is unplayable.

Posted by: Nitecrawler24 on 5/26/2011 9:16:21 AM
The great thing about Universe Spiderman (and all the Universe starter figures) was the low point cost. Why round out your team with a few useless SHIELD Agents, when you could have Spidey, with super strength, instead? Missing from this list is my personal favorite, veteran Spiderman from Critical Mass.

Posted by: Licensedhero on 5/26/2011 8:53:44 AM
Yeah, got WoS Spiderman in a draft the other day... MVP for sure !

Posted by: Telimtor on 5/26/2011 5:35:27 AM
Of all the regular Spiderman we have gotten over the years, I must agree with you about the WOS Red/Blue 78 point version as the best one. He does just enough damage that he can slowly take down a Hulk/Juggernaut type figure in the game just like in the comics. Also his damage trait really helps him out a lot in staying alive. He is pretty close to total comic book accuracy that if he had charge along with his leap climb on movement I think he would be perfect then. I like using him best when I run an Avengers theme team. The only part of him I dont care for is his sculpt. I think the original promo/IC sculpt is the best Spiderman sculpt to date.

Posted by: Nightwing-fan on 5/26/2011 5:04:38 AM