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04-29-2013 Only 4 clicks of life, but Bat-Mite has Incapacitate and lots of other... well, stuff. I haven't got the words...

(Bat-Mite will first be available at Origins)

HeroClix Bat-mite figure convention exclusive

From wikipedia: "Bat-Mite is a fictional character appearing in stories published by DC Comics. The character made his first appearance in Detective Comics #267 (May 1959) in a story titled "Batman Meets Bat-Mite" written by Bill Finger, with art by Sheldon Moldoff. Bat-Mite is an Imp similar to the Superman villain Mister Mxyzptlk. Appearing as a small childlike man in an ill-fitting costume, Bat-Mite possesses what appears to be near-infinite magical power, but in reality is highly-advanced technology from the fifth dimension that cannot be understood by our limited three-dimensional views. Unlike Mxyzptlk, Bat-Mite idolizes his superhero target and thus he has visited Batman on various occasions, often setting up strange events so that he could see his hero in action. Bat-Mite is more of a nuisance than a supervillain, and often departs of his own accord upon realizing that he has angered his idol."

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@Lysarian not talking about clix for this first part but, invincibility is normally in all matters better then impervious correct? so then why would a figured doing 2 damage be able to hurt some one with invincibility but not impervious? if you ask me thats kind of stupid.

Posted by: vidious on 6/10/2013 8:57:36 PM
Phantom stranger and question along with Constantine would really get on peoples nerves

Posted by: iron on 6/3/2013 9:06:30 AM
I hope to pick one of these up at Gencon this year.

Seems like such a fun figure.

Posted by: HeroTrays on 4/30/2013 9:17:34 PM
Love the Bat Mite. The powers are so in character with his appearances on the Batman Brave and Bold TV show. Nicely done.

Posted by: superfriend on 4/29/2013 12:52:11 PM
Bat-Mite!! This is absolutely spectacular! How awesome. This was a Clix figure that was long overdue to be made. The "Idol" trait and how it works is also fantastic. Great figure.

Of course, I say all of this with the realization that most of us will never even be in the same room as this figure or it will be very rare to see one. How sad....

Posted by: ChronoFett on 4/29/2013 11:36:18 AM
Usually the two Cons that they are referring to is Origins and GenCon.

Posted by: ChronoFett on 4/29/2013 4:43:26 AM
Gencon indy and origins will carry exclusives. will have more info I beleive.

Posted by: Pandab0mb on 4/28/2013 9:42:48 PM
How do I know what convention they will be available at?

Posted by: GLprime on 4/28/2013 1:48:52 PM
I like the Old man logan model a lot. awesome story.

Posted by: Pandab0mb on 4/26/2013 7:21:58 PM
I actually really like the new invincibility power. It's a great balence that keeps figures like worldbreaker with a heavy object from killing you in one shot, but still allows little 2 damage flash to not be totally useless.

Posted by: Lysarian on 4/26/2013 12:06:48 PM
honestly the new invincibility is even worst then the last one.

Posted by: vidious on 4/25/2013 6:38:55 AM
It would be awesome if there was a way to get the normal size convention figures as well. Still wishing for last year's Dr Fate and Martian Manhunter pieces.

Posted by: superfriend on 4/23/2013 6:25:43 AM
@Passing By: Thanks! I did what you said and found it under NECA on ebay! Man, this is awesome! They are doing another round soon and also do Giant Man too. I think that it rocks. I would love to do the conventions but can't because I have work weekends (yeah, bummer). This is totally cool. Now just hope I can get a Shuma-Gorath!

Posted by: HeroClix Freak on 4/11/2013 9:10:02 PM
@HeroClix Freak: This site doesn't usually allow URLs so it's difficult for me to post a link. That said, if you to the Heroclix main page there is an article on Shuma-Gorath that links to the eBay store. But if you're serious about getting it, you'll need to join the WizKids Facebook page. (Which has a link to the article that has a link to the store.) The Facebook page (and I think Twitter) give warnings before the listings go up. Yesterday saw 25 sell in (and I'm not making this up) less than one minute. Today it took 1 minutes, 13 seconds. So unless you're getting the warning, it's pretty much impossible to buy one.

Posted by: Passing By on 4/11/2013 3:24:59 PM
WizKids has an eBay store? Are you serious? I couldn't find it. What is the name under? I would love to get SHUMA GORATH!!

Posted by: HeroClix Freak on 4/10/2013 8:58:46 PM
Not sure how this got left out, but WizKids is going to be selling them in their eBay store. It's $50 plus $8 shipping. Looks like more than one can be purchased and they're doing it around weekly 50 at a time. That said, the first batch sold out in 30 minutes yesterday.

Posted by: Passing By on 4/10/2013 10:41:07 AM
Long dial, high defense, unable to be outwitted, healing every turn, mystics meaning the opponent takes damage for every attack where damage is taken. Sorry, but this does NOT look like a fun thing to be playing against.

Posted by: superfriend on 4/10/2013 6:25:39 AM
Crom is the God Conan the barbarian always mentions. Just a lil comic/movie info. :-) this model is purdy nice

Posted by: Pandab0mb on 4/10/2013 1:05:06 AM
The traits are awesome! I want the Shuma-gorath, too bad that is exclusive convention

Posted by: Alepzzz on 4/9/2013 11:22:26 PM
Omg I want this!

Posted by: MrZombie84 on 4/9/2013 10:53:44 PM
Anyone else notice that the label on the dial "M-G01" almost looks like "Mi-Go"? Ia! Ia! Ia!

Posted by: MEsch on 4/9/2013 7:40:25 PM
So...awesome! I must have one!

Posted by: Matthew on 4/9/2013 7:28:28 PM