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#3 Incredible Hulk 028 Red Hulk
Number three is another Hulk not based on Bruce Banner, the infamous Red Hulk. This Hulk combines brute force with military intelligence (No that’s not an oxymoron). Super Strength as a trait allows him to increase his damage from start to finish and his special power "Trouble Coming Your Way" gives Thunderbolt Ross some real mobility on the battlefield.
Later in his dial things heats up as he gets Hotter and Hotter, causing damage to foes that get too close. This Hulk is highly mobile, strong and smart, that is nothing to be trifled with.
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Why He’s #3
Red Hulk’s dial is a very interesting one. At 178 points he’s more than ½ your total in a 300 point game. Another issue is that his best powers never really synch up with his best combat values. He also starts with a below average starting defense. Meaning he’ll needs to push early on or he will be way too easy a target to hit. The problem with that is as always, a push brings a character one clix closer to being KO'ed. Nevertheless, all in all Red Hulk is very Solid choice and can work well in a 300 point game.
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