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Worst Clix Ever - Wrecker
The Le (09/22/2014)
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Goto Comments

Worst HeroClix Ever - WreckerThere are some HeroClix dials that are so horribly made that you wonder what the designers were thinking. There are others, like Wrecker, that you stare at long enough and keep wishing it were a good dial, but you you can't... because it's garbage. Welcome to another installment of Worst Clix Ever...

It's hard not to glance at this dial and think "Wow, I bet he's good", and in reality he isn't that bad. Wrecker gets lots of Charge, and near full dial of Super Strength (with some Quake at the end), and a full dial of damage reducers. But wow that's some horrible movement -- does anyone start off with a  [6] speed anymore?

Of course, even with the Team ability, Wrecker has one huge glaring problem -- HE'S TOO BLOODY EXPENSIVE. 230 points? For this? Really? That's more than half your team at 300 or 400 points.

Continued below...

HeroClix Mutations and Monsters Wrecker Dial

It's hard to justify this dial at this high of cost. Impervious, Invulnerability, potential to deal 5 damage with Close Combat Expert and Penetrating damage with Exploit Weakness... all good stuff... but who cares? HE'S FREAKIN' 230 POINTS... has no range, and a puny speed that's mostly sixes. Is this a joke?

Let's take the next couple pages to see how you can do better with 230 points...

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Your Comments:
Ummm, Wrecker is being compared to blasters and a scrapper here.

Shouldn't he be compared to other tanks/brutes? His efficacy at his role should be compared against characters from a similar time frame with names like Juggernaut, Hulk, Doomsday, Colossus, Blob, etc. If you compare the M&M Wrecker against his Wrecking Crew members from the Iron Man set then all that does is demonstrate the severe power creep we've been seeing.

I'm not saying he wasn't way overpriced though. Wrecker is meant to be a Thor adversary, but Thor can easily embarrass him with Mjolnir without having to get into hand-to-hand combat until after Garth has taken a few shots.

Posted by: Kragnorak on 10/30/2014 1:47:04 PM
A better comparison than some of the ones featured would be M&M Green Scar. Same points as the Wrecker, same set as the Wrecker, and just plain better than the Wrecker. When you compare an older figure like Wrecker to some of the new pieces, like Ronan or Star Lord, it's not really surprising that Wrecker looks worse. For example, Indomitable didnt even exist in the game until about 8 moths after Wrecker was released.

Posted by: Siwelkire on 10/14/2014 9:09:08 PM
Speaking of pieces that cost 200pts, I want people's opinion on using the fear itself scenario pack Skadi as a tentpole on a 300pt team.

Posted by: The Agent on 9/23/2014 1:14:04 PM
That's funny, I remember just getting into clix when they weren't in biz anymore. I remember getting my M&M set and thinking sweet the wrecker!!! I looked at the dial, it was alright then I looked at the pt cost and laughing. No way am I playing this guy just because of the pt cost. Glad to know I wasn't the only one that thought that. I could get more utility out of Gamora from SI or even Electra from SI for a lot less!!! Now those were great pieces.

Posted by: Nana on 9/23/2014 12:08:59 PM
I was so happy to get a better Wrecker than his first clix incarnation I accidentally used this guy once. I lost

Posted by: Mantis Warrior on 9/23/2014 11:41:47 AM
@Lord Logan: I told you he was a bad apple. No one listens to me...

Posted by: The Le on 9/22/2014 7:30:46 PM
Looks like Wrecker got pissed and broke the site lol.

Posted by: Lord Logan on 9/22/2014 4:55:07 PM
I agree Wrecker is a head scratcher at 230 points, but he's nowhere near as useless as the others you've featured in this series so far.

Posted by: superfriend on 9/22/2014 1:07:17 PM
I agree with he could have been a solid piece if his price wasn't insane. I'm really surprised to see this from a CUR piece. This is the kind of thing you'd expect from Parasite from a previous article. If Wrecker was just lower points than he could be carried into battle and he'd be good to go.

Posted by: Lord Logan on 9/22/2014 5:06:47 AM