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Convention Exclusives 2015
The Le Games (01/29/2015)
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Related: 2011 HeroClix Conventions Exclusives!
Related: Convention Exclusives 2014
Related: Pow! Spider-Ham
Related: 2016 HeroClix Convention Figures!
Goto Comments

The Surpeme Intelligence colossal will be $50 and the Dr Strange (with d20) will be $15.
2015 Convention Exclusives (HeroClix)

The ATA below is available in the offical Wizkids Print and play section now:

2015 Convention Exclusives (HeroClix)

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Your Comments:
My man! The real strange is in the house.

Definitely a cool piece.

Posted by: Kaijuhero on 5/23/2015 10:06:02 AM
@ Karagnarok & Kuribo

Posted by: MantisWarrior on 5/21/2015 5:13:51 AM
Seems like most people are being turned into girls now.

Posted by: DCsKnight on 5/19/2015 7:07:22 PM
To mantis-that is supposed to be Alejandra, who had Blaze's powers during Fear Itself.

Posted by: Kuribo on 5/19/2015 11:36:05 AM
@MantisWarrior, I imagine that's Alejandra Blaze from Fear Itself.

Also, doesn't it make a bit more sense if the Spirit of Vengeance is female? ;-)

Posted by: Kragnorak on 5/19/2015 11:32:46 AM
Ghost Rider is a SHE?!?!?!
Help, someone please explain.
How will Nicholas Cage make another wonderful GR movie now!?! Mind you Cage in drag might just improve things.
Seriously though when did GR change genders?

Posted by: MantisWarrior on 5/19/2015 10:21:05 AM
I really want a team base of the Avengers Forever image of Kang and Rick Jones rocking a "Supreme-cycle" with the Supreme Intelligence on the back. Well at least we can make do with Rick Jones on Robin's motorcycle with Supreme Intelligence as a Resource!

Clearly I'm not the only one that wants this:

Posted by: Kragnorak on 5/13/2015 11:35:26 AM
That Loki is 115 points!?!? Yeeeesh! Not a bad click on the whole dial, mystics, good range, support powers, offence & defence don't want to face that ever.
Of course could just be jealousy that I'll never own one!

Posted by: MantisWarrior on 5/13/2015 7:32:09 AM
@ajsprint: Wow, I *did* spell 'Brainiac' wrong, didn't I? Whoops. I suppose I should have called it "Brian Skull ship"... (an inside joke for you Teen Titan Go fans out there).

Posted by: The Le on 4/17/2015 7:00:52 AM
How did this site so unerringly predict the misspelled name of the Skull ship?

Posted by: ajsprint on 4/16/2015 8:15:17 PM
Never mind. I just found out.

Posted by: Prince of Orphans on 4/14/2015 5:48:38 PM
OK I'm going to unabashedly admit my ignorance. What does broken mean in the sense that Bardock is using it?

Posted by: Prince of Orphans on 4/14/2015 5:45:12 PM
Heh now I'm REALLY curious to hear your team! I just sort of play with whatever I feel like, so facing something like that could be a nightmare.

Posted by: Squabbler on 4/8/2015 6:17:02 AM
After further reading on the dr. Strange. I didn't see the card with all his powers.. And I have to agree that yes he seems broken... But not invincible. one flaw is he don't have any damage reducers. Super senses can be countered and defend just leaves him wide open lol the one thing that urks me more is that broken mystics TA... But other than that I'd take him haha

Posted by: Bardock on 4/7/2015 9:18:30 AM
I can't reveal my team lol but I'm positive they can take them. I will add that my team is not cheap and it's about 500 points no resources. They haven't failed me yet lol. I enjoy good competition

Posted by: Bardock on 4/7/2015 9:01:47 AM
What's your team?

Strange's d20 gives him some almost unrealistically good abilities for his point value (probably merits a 200 point value) and all of the Avengers' 'opponent picks' traits are just as crazy.

Posted by: Squabbler on 4/7/2015 7:16:27 AM
Nah, not broken. my team could beat them haha

Posted by: Bardock on 4/6/2015 6:31:51 PM
Holy crap, the Age of Ultron and convention exclusives are broken as hell.

Posted by: Squabbler on 4/6/2015 1:11:48 PM
I want Supreme Intelligence, Ghost Rider, Felix Faust and of course the Skullship!Too bad I won't get any of them, just like I have no previous exclusives.

Posted by: Lord Logan on 2/12/2015 6:44:31 PM
Must buy doc strange.. must buy doc strange.. DAMN IT I hope these are offered at those con in a store events.. lol

Posted by: Bliss on 2/2/2015 6:43:09 AM
I think I'll get the Skullship if it's at a UK event. The Ghostrider looks cool too.
Hopefully next year's will include a Brut Force team-base now that they're part of the marvel 'verse.

Posted by: annoyinglizardvoice on 1/31/2015 2:21:11 PM
Unfortunately, the events NEVER take place in my area, so eBay is my only option. I don't like paying 3x more for everything, but it's my only option :(

I am really looking forward to Loki, Agent of Asgard and the new Doctor Strange. $15 for Doctor Strange isn't too bad, but I very much hope Loki isn't going to be too much....

Posted by: RogueLapras on 1/30/2015 8:56:24 PM
You also have the wonderful option of purchasing them on EBay. Great option if you don't mind bending over for the parasites who charge 3 or 4 times the original price.

Posted by: Prince of Orphans on 1/30/2015 3:51:22 PM
Oh my gosh!!! SpiderHam is so cute! :3

Posted by: GILLY25 on 1/30/2015 7:56:49 AM
If anyone is interested I would trade a Brainiac Ship for a Ion Chase (Im going to Nationals)

Posted by: mike_houghton on 1/30/2015 6:48:50 AM
Not yet, they said they would announce the other dates later. Currently the only known date is Nationals in MD on April 11/12th

Posted by: mike_houghton on 1/30/2015 6:44:08 AM

Huge thanks! Sorry, but I'm seriously new at this: is there a list that tells you at which conventions they can be found? Thanks in advance!

Posted by: Squabbler on 1/29/2015 5:37:49 PM
@ squabbler u can buy them at cons.

Posted by: vid on 1/29/2015 5:25:05 PM
For the newbie: how does one pick up one of the con exclusive prizes? Do you have to win a game, or can you just buy them at the Wizkids booth?

Thanks in advance!

Posted by: Squabbler on 1/29/2015 3:07:32 PM
@superfriend: Done.

Posted by: The Le on 1/29/2015 2:58:30 PM
update, I read the main article at heroclix, some of which Le should add here. The Brainiac ship is 70$. Not paying that.

Posted by: superfriend on 1/29/2015 2:25:37 PM
Well, I guess this means my guess of members of the new JL Unlimited being in the Trinity War set is wrong. No way are Adam Strange and Animal Man going to be in TW and convention pieces.

Actually, WK did a good job here because I would like all of the DC convention pieces shown here (even if that ship is going to be hard to store).

I guess I know what I will be trading my TW chases for now ...

Posted by: superfriend on 1/29/2015 2:06:34 PM