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Pow! Felix Faust
Jason "Puuka" Statham (06/10/2015)
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Goto Comments

Edit: One HeroClix reader mentioned that Felix Faust in combination with the Orange Power battery will completely hose your opponent. We've included below for you to judge for yourself.

Edit: I posted the yellow batter earlier, by mistake. This has been corrected.



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Your Comments:
@Kaijuhero: The one time I played Resurrection Man I was under the full impression that the d20 could not be rerolled. Same with every time I've played Impossible Man.

In general, I'm all for the D20 reroll nerf. I think they all play fine without it. But then again I play for fun (a.k.a casual) and not hyper competitive (a.k.a. to prove my measurement in little plastic men is bigger than my opponents'.) Cheers.

Posted by: Ozmodius on 6/16/2015 6:45:19 AM
Faust got banned for having too good a time on the sidelines.
Also, poop.

Posted by: TheREALDEAL on 6/12/2015 5:55:55 AM
Hopefully they only nerf Faust d20 re-roll because Resurrection Man really needs to be able to re-roll his d20.

Posted by: Kaijuhero on 6/11/2015 2:28:18 PM
Actually, I think the GL Power Battery is more deadly with him. Roll Project Thaumation and suddenly opponents can be given one free action. And that's it.

Posted by: You'll never know... on 6/11/2015 11:22:14 AM
And here, poor fool, from Faust across,
I stand no chance, like Nightcrawler WoS.

Posted by: ChippyYYZ on 6/11/2015 3:02:18 AM
Easy. Black Swan (and maybe phoenix force?), if spiral is their only attacker, you win. Also if they engage felix and spiral, but do it wrong, you win.

Posted by: Thexpert on 6/10/2015 2:25:44 PM
Willmdp I hope you were joking because that sounds awful finding it fun to see your opponent suffer and cry in a game. If not then I hope some one gives you a taste of what that feels like and see how you like it. I teach others in my town how to play Heroclix and they have fun. If they are afraid of my experience over there's I help assure them to have fun and advice them to rethink their moves that give me the advantage so our games can last longer and they can learn more and have fun. That is what it is all about. Not crippling your opponent. Enjoying the game, experiencing the abilities and how each place plays and interacts with the maps and other pieces. That is fun.

Posted by: bizmanlance on 6/10/2015 1:01:37 PM
@ChippyYYZ: thanks - this has been corrected.

Posted by: The Le on 6/10/2015 10:07:54 AM
That's a funny lookin' orange power battery.

But seriously, Orange Power Battery lets you turn off enemy Willpower. Even if they have Indomitable or Power Cosmic. And it even does other stuff too. Clamps Faust's lockdown that much tighter.

Posted by: ChippyYYZ on 6/10/2015 9:02:35 AM
Yup, that´s the only thing you can do to stop faust and his bloody bloody massacre, no rerrolls. If you are playing that figure it´s hella fun seeing the other part cry and stuff :D.

Posted by: Willmdp on 6/10/2015 8:48:52 AM
Sooo, what you're saying is it should have been a F- for the fun rating? ;) I was just using those two powers as the extreme example. Sure, you can shut down movement, or ranged attacks and slow them down and all the other horrible things that Faust can do. I think by making the die not able to be rerolled, it will make him less broken and more of an annoyance. (Maybe a C rating)

Posted by: Puuka on 6/10/2015 8:43:52 AM
Hey, sure, you have 3 of 20 posibilities to shut down the enemy team completely, but you have at least 5 other powers that can hurt them a lot too ( only move actions, only close attacks, only range attacks, movement of 3 (3!), giving non free actions to give the other team just 1 action). It´s really insane how powerfull that figure is, at least i would say you have a 40% chance to really hurt the enemy team, and with 2 probs, well, that becomes a really boring/nasty game for the oponent.

Posted by: Willmdp on 6/10/2015 8:34:57 AM
Just wondering what other peoples build ideas would be that could take on Faust?

Posted by: Puuka on 6/10/2015 8:23:02 AM