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John Byrne Interview
The Le (11/17/2009)
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Related: Jason "Brother Magneto" Mical Interview
Related: Norman "nbperp" Barth Interview (Part I)
Related: Seth Johnson Interview (Part I)
Goto Comments

John Byrne HeroClix WorldThe Le: Have you seen your creations in HeroClix form yet? What do you think of them?

John: Puck and Kitty are cute -- but I have no idea who the red and silver guy is.

The Le: Oops, my bad. The character BOX was created in the pages of Alpha Flight after you left the series... which brings up an interesting question: After you leave a series that you've been working on, do you continue to read it?

John: Usually not.

The Le: Besides yourself, who else do you think has made a lasting impact in the Comic Book industry?

John: I don't see myself as having made a "lasting impact". Virtually everything I have done has been erased, either by time or deliberate action.

The Le: HeroPlay magazine once boldy said, "[Byrne] just seems to have an axe to grind with the female of the species". How would you respond to that today?

John: Given that the first thing I usually do with female characters is boost their powers and roles in the books, I cannot even imagine where this assumption would come from!

The Le: So what are you reading / watching these days?

John: Reprints and reruns!

The Le: Do you have any advice for writers/artists who are trying to get into the Comic Book field?

John: Consider a career in plumbing.

The Le: Any final thoughts for our readers?

John: A wiser man and I once said "Aim high, so if you fail at least it will have been worth the effort." That's been a guiding principle for me for most of my life.

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Your Comments:
All interviews are done via Email.

Posted by: The Le on 2/16/2010 10:27:59 PM
Awesome interview. How was the inteview made? by phone? in person? by mail?

Posted by: CarlosMucha on 2/16/2010 9:47:36 PM
Reading this interview reminds me of the time I got to chat with Mr. Byrne at DragonCon many years ago. He is very short when talking about things he feels he got screwed-over with, but if you find something he is interested in, he is a very gracious conversationalist. I know I enjoyed talking with him at length that day, and enjoyed his crtique of my artwork where he was very informative and helpful, and again very gracious with his time towards me. I find it rather ignorant of HeroPlay magazine to "boldly state" that he had an axe to grind with women. I have always thought he came across as a great supporter of stronger portrayals of women in comics as evidenced in most of his work.

Posted by: machineman on 1/7/2010 1:18:01 AM
All interviews are done via email. Most people don't have time to sit and chat for an hour, but email works extremely well for them.

Posted by: The Le on 12/9/2009 9:08:38 AM
Nice interview. He seems like he would be difficult to interview. Was this all live, or was it send a question, get an answer, repeat?

Posted by: wintremute on 12/9/2009 3:19:50 AM
Excellent interview, The Le! (He did seem a might reserved with some answers, though. Held back a bit.)

OMAC! I have and loved his mini-series, it was the first exposure I'd had to the character, and made me seek out the original Kirby stuff. Byrne always seemed to have a deep appreciation of Jack Kirby's creations.

Obscure Byrne-created character I'd like to see: Torch of Liberty (Dark Horse Comics).

I thought Byrne did create the Roger Bochs version of Box? (Not the one we got in M&M)

Posted by: glen_smith on 11/4/2009 4:59:21 PM