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Batman v Superman (extended) review
Eric Schaen (07/13/2016)
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Dawn of Justice Review

Batman v Superman is probably the most polarizing Superhero movie to date. It seems that once again studio interference may need to shoulder at least some of the blame for the beating the movie took from the critics and fans alike. Almost immediately following BVS’s release, rumor and conjecture developed about how the extended R rated cut might make for a better experience.

Even though the major plot points remained unaffected, the additional thirty minutes does provide some needed cohesion to the narrative. Many of the characters are given moments that actually help to flesh out elements that were originally too fragmented.

Right: Worst Clix Ever: World's finest

For starters this version does a better job with the character of Superman. Striking more balance between the film’s title characters. Clark/Superman acts like an investigate journalist and has some scenes that make semi-likeable. He may have even smiled once or twice, seriously. Clark’s investigation of the Batman really succeeds in helping the audience appreciate why Superman wants Batman to hang up his cowl and he comes of less hypocritical. Superman is also a little more heroic and compassionate than he appears in the original cut.   

Lois Lane’s character also benefits from the extended cut. In this version she’s more than simply the woman Superman saves and she flexes more of her journalism muscles. Lex Luthor’s motivation for manipulating the heroes into going all Thunderdome on each other is still up for debate; but his maneuvers for setting up the conflict are a bit more defined.  This elevates his character to a more megalomaniac status as opposed to the wacked out eccentric he comes off as.

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Please don't pick me for the free heroclix

Posted by: Luke on 3/29/2017 10:03:23 AM
Hey guys anyone whatch the flash series?????? It is really good.

Posted by: Luke Zarek Williams on 3/5/2017 4:33:13 PM
Hey guys anyone whatch the flash series?????? It is really good.

Posted by: Luke Zarek Williams on 3/5/2017 4:33:11 PM
Hey guys guess what I read in Supermans comics. He threw a star at someguy who's name is very weird but come on, a star does anybody know how strong you have to be to throw a star??? Does anybody remember the comic when joker tricked mxyzplc to give him his powers and joker re created the universe? Okay, joker tortured batman then killed him in the end of the day and reserected him the next morning. Joker was basically a god when he had his powers in that comic. Now here this! Mxyzplk got out of his trance and convinced Superman to stop the joke and Superman saved the world once again. But this is the thing you missed. Superman beat a god and defeated him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Luke Zarek Williams on 1/28/2017 5:42:29 PM
Hey does anyone know if wizkids are making another Doomsday from the movie? If he killed Superman in the comics and Supermans powers are unlimited then they must make him good.

Posted by: Luke Zarek Williams on 1/28/2017 5:33:05 PM
Hey does anyone know if wizkids are making another Doomsday from the movie? If he killed Superman in the comics and Supermans powers are unlimited then they must make him good.

Posted by: Luke Zarek Williams on 1/28/2017 5:33:04 PM
I liked the movie but I wish lex luthier was bald like he is in the comics.

Posted by: Luke zarek Williams on 1/26/2017 12:25:40 PM
I liked the movie but I wish lex luthier was bald like he is in the comics.

Posted by: Luke zarek Williams on 1/26/2017 12:25:37 PM
I liked the superman in Batman vs superman dawn of justice. what I read above was really true and right. I was thinking how good would a superman and Lois Lane be if they were together in one dial? That would be awesome.

Posted by: Luke Zarek Williams on 1/21/2017 7:19:21 AM
Hey shaun b,
I love my toons so i may be a little biased but i'm ok with that and imo dc has the edge over marvel's animated offerings by a mile even if they lag behind in live action.

Posted by: Cyanbloo on 7/20/2016 11:22:47 AM
I haven't seen the film yet as i don't see my films at the cinema but now it's out on dvd i will be looking out for this version thanks to this review.

Posted by: Cyanbloo on 7/20/2016 11:01:23 AM
Great review. I now intended to pick it up.

Posted by: David Lopez on 7/18/2016 11:46:16 AM
Don't understand how the DC animated films are better than the actual movies.

Posted by: Shawn B on 7/18/2016 6:48:12 AM
I liked it so much better than civil war can't wait to see more in the extended cut

Posted by: Seanhammet on 7/17/2016 5:06:28 PM
I went to see DOJ with a semi open mind...and came out satisfied. It turned out to be a decent action film. I was worried about how Bat-Fleck would turn out and found the darker Frank Miller-ish Batman a good fit. All in all though I felt DOJ was seriously rushed to try and set the stage for JLA. I look forward to the extended cut.
Wise man say...Never pay full price for late pizza.

Posted by: Steve on 7/17/2016 10:17:18 AM
Although a comic fan, the movie was tiring. Extra time will be too much I think and of course it won't change overall experience. So, For one time watch is ok but for 3 hours...NO THANKS!

Posted by: ODYNH on 7/16/2016 12:10:48 PM
I've seen the movie and I liked it... Why did you criticise it so much ? In my opinion it is a cool action movie... Maybe not completely adherent to the plots and facts seen in the comics (I don't read any comic about the duo... However... I admit it !) but it still remains one of the coolest "Comics' Movies"... At least for me it is so...

Posted by: Ivan on 7/16/2016 10:06:06 AM
Review helps, I aslo have avoided the film but plans on seeing the extended first.

Posted by: scourge101 on 7/16/2016 9:08:59 AM
Anything that makes the movie seem more balanced in the characterizations of Superman and Batman is an improvement. That is what made Civil War so good, you could empathize with Cap AND Iron Man.

Posted by: Alan on 7/15/2016 8:43:26 PM
I didn't see the movie when it came out at the theatres.I had heard there were alot of negative reviews.I plan to buy the extended cut when it comes out.

Posted by: justified1970 on 7/15/2016 4:49:41 PM
A fair review, but over all the movie was enjoyable, and for heroclixworld I feel like we might be having the wrong conversation as this movie gave us one us the best Batman's in armoured batman and the best aquaman in main set aquaman, and over all a very good movie set.

Posted by: somethinggeek on 7/14/2016 8:26:02 PM
I never got to see the movie on the big screen due to work. But I still want to see it and plan to buy this version of the movie and enjoy it along with all the extras.

Posted by: Nightwing-fan on 7/14/2016 1:17:36 PM
I would be willing to give the extended version of the movie a try. I do think that Warner Brothers needs to take a few queues from Marvel as to how to adapt storylines from the comics to present them better on the big screen. At least this gets us closer to a Justice League movie.

Posted by: Too Many Batmans on 7/14/2016 12:36:34 PM
I hope that the extended stuff improves the movie somewhat. I didn't dislike the movie as much as I thought I would, so extra context and character building could help.

Posted by: Jay Solomon on 7/14/2016 11:07:08 AM
Stellar article! I can't wait to watch the extended version of DOJ with my family!

Posted by: Jeff Bozeman on 7/14/2016 10:11:10 AM
I am pleased to hear that the extended cut brings more cohesion to the characters and the plot line. I will be buying the extended cut as a result of this review.

Posted by: Barry Giersch on 7/14/2016 9:02:41 AM
Part of the problem was that there were tie in comic books that were super limited release. I think they were tied to a download code for, like, Dr. Pepper or something. They gave a bit more insight on the government surveillance, Lois as a journalist, and luthor's motivations a bit more. Still. Would it have helped if all that was in the movie? Doubtful.

Posted by: Ben on 7/14/2016 8:13:11 AM
I watched the extended cut with my wife and daughter and it made much more sense to them than the theatrical release. I appreciated the way that Clark comes across as an investigative reporter as well.

Posted by: John Murillo on 7/14/2016 8:11:06 AM
I will give the movie a second chance now for sure!!!

Posted by: sandy penny on 7/14/2016 7:57:04 AM
Well that makes me want to give this movie another try. Superman seemed like a real alien in the movie maybe even a robot alien. Sounds like he is a little more emotional now. I have been reading this site since hammer of Thor. Feels weird to commit now. Hmm. I may have before. Curious...

Posted by: chris nealy on 7/14/2016 5:46:32 AM
Fair review. Overall, I enjoyed BvS, there was a lot of comic cover nods, it was strong in many places but weaker in others.
I just don't think DC is as gelled as the Marvel universe, they seem to be playing catch up when they don't need to.
Hopefully the extended cut pads out the weaker parts, I don't believe making BvS disjointed to 'cliffhangar' answers for the next move was a great move/excuse.
Same with the '89 movie, Batman's disregard for human life irks me.
It is a good action flick, nicely set up from MoS to pit Bats vs Supes.

Posted by: WarBorg on 7/14/2016 2:42:32 AM
I think that is an entertaining movie with all that you expect from the title.
Ben Affleck did a respectable role and from my point of view the worst part is that they tried to mix Luthor with Joker. Is not a bad actor and not a bad role, but for comic readers is not an accurate Luthor version.
The best part: Wonder Woman, of course, Darkseid and Justice League references. ;)
The worst: unaccurate Luthor (mixed with Joker) and unsuitable Flash actor.
Waiting for next movies...and reviews.

Posted by: Bruno Otero on 7/14/2016 12:46:18 AM
I loved this movie for what it was, a COMIC BOOK movie. I did not go into this expecting Oscar trophies to be handed out. I went into this expecting to see Batman and Supes throw down with each other and then to get together with Wonder Woman and dropkick Doomsday into outer space. Cant wait to get the extended edition. I really hope this site keeps updating. I love to come here and read the articles and I wont lie, the chance at free clix doesnt hurt! Thanks!

Posted by: Laanxx25 on 7/13/2016 10:40:57 PM