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Worst Clix Ever - Abomination
The Le (12/15/2014)
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Goto Comments

Worst Clix Ever - AbominationMarvel Avengers HeroClix was the first "HeroClix 2.0" set -- i.e. the first time we saw special powers being utilized. However, the Abomination wasn't given any. That's really too bad because he really could have used all the help he could get. At 150 points, he's pretty pathetic.

That being, his first 2 clicks are actually pretty good! Invulnerability, Charge and Super Strength... with natural [4] damage is a great combo! He could literally do six damage on his first attack! And even if he gets popped to this second click of life, he keeps those powers can potentially deal five damage. Want to push? No problem since he's got the Masters of Evil TA!

The real problem is the rest of his dial...

Continued below...

Worst Clix Ever - Abomination

Abomination suffers from dual-personality syndrome. On one hand he starts out with 2 very good clicks of life, but then his last 6 clicks are just misreable. At 150 points, your character should be primary or secondary attacker, not some fifth string quarterback with a 14 defense and 7 attack value with late-dial Quake.

I see they tossed in some Plasticity on Abomination -- were they trying to turn him into a tie-up piece? Because 150 points is way too much for a tie-up piece that can't hit the side of a barn.

Flurry and Close Combat Expert rounds out the Abomination's powers, but at this point it's too late. The Abomination's glass jaw is just too much of a hindrance -- even back then his dial stunk.

Congrats Abomination, you're this week's Worst Clix Ever!

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Your Comments:
I always felt that they stuck to the comic way to close on this one. Ultimate Abomination was the same way all three pages he showed up in the Ultimates. He showed up, killed some innocents, challenged the Hulk, then was killed in the first punch by the Hulk. Not beaten...killed. I'm all for some comic accuarcy, but not that close.

Posted by: Javasquirrel on 12/19/2014 3:24:04 AM
I agree with all on this one.
When I pulled him - his sculpt alone had me excited to play him! Then I looked at his dial and thought that maybe he's not that bad, and plays better than he looks.
So I played him once and it went something like this:
Opponent: "Wow - he looks bada$$! I don't want him coming close, Running Shot PBlast for 4"
Me: "Oh oh - better not push him now, maybe I can make use of that Flurry... clear"
Opponent: "Right - I'll push for another PBlast for 4. What?! Over already? Thanks for the 150pts!"

I have never picked him up again (aside from to look at his sculpt!) I should sculpt swap him for one of the IH versions...

Posted by: SuperPrime on 12/17/2014 3:21:24 PM
Maybe he's a meta-design. You know how the Street Fighter clix were purposely designed to be not quite as good as super heroes? (which means they were balanced)

Well, maybe Dr. Chang Lam was designed to be representative of his character in the comics: he represents himself to be better than the Hulk due to a lack of Battle Fury, gets transported to America at great expense and then proceeds to get beaten to death with his own arms by the Hulk! If that is the case, this dial is a great success

Posted by: Kragnorak on 12/17/2014 1:58:54 PM
Such a poor dial even back then. This dial got modded soon after; I did not want to waste a decent sculpt and Hulk needed a challenge. This dial was not a anyone.

Posted by: Warborg on 12/16/2014 11:19:03 AM
@Lord Logan
Then I'll never accuse WK of lack of effort again they tried hard here! :)
As for not having the Brute keyword I'm guessing the brutes all got together and voted that Abomination wasn't allowed to play with them due to his saggy back side. Monsters are less picky. I mean if WK ever get around to doing the long awaited Muppets Clix half of them will get the Monster keyword!

Posted by: MantisWarrior on 12/15/2014 10:30:46 PM

Maybe he's not meant to make sense but rather be a last minute throw-in to the set. Even if that was the case though, this dial was not hard to make right. You have to really put in effort to mess this up.

Posted by: Lord Logan on 12/15/2014 9:07:44 PM
I have never, and will never, understand this clix! My delight on pulling such a huge intimidating sculpt was only equalled by my disappointment at those AVs! He didn't hold up to pre carded figures or to figures in his own set. Heck he was designed as a foe for the Hulk of that set. Might be worth posting his rival's dial here The Le, Hulk wouldn't break a sweat!

Posted by: MantisWarrior on 12/15/2014 2:49:39 PM
You failed to mention his Masters of Evil team ability which lets him swing and miss an attack EVERY TURN! Like the little engine that couldn't, Abom will just keep chugging along til he dies of exhaustion having accomplished nothing.

Posted by: J.Rojas on 12/15/2014 1:04:25 PM
I'd even go as far to say that having nothing g re ater than a 9 attack is equally unacceptable. Also as a small tid-bit he doesn't even have the Brute keyword.

Posted by: Lo rd Logan on 12/15/2014 9:40:20 AM