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Top 12 Joker HeroClix
The Le (08/28/2014)
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Top 12 Joker HeroClix Dials - HeroClix WorldThe Joker is the most iconic villain in the Batman universe, but for a while we've had some pretty lousy HeroClix versions. That's all changed in recent years as Wizkids has stepped up their game and has given us more comic accurate clowns. Today we look at the top 12 Joker HeroClix dials from all spectrums.

We start with an oldie but goodie...

#12: Legacy (Vet)

The Vet Joker holds a place in my heart. He is, in a word, unstable. This unpredictability can work in your favor or against, but there's nothing like going from dealing Incapacitate to 2 enemies then switching to Poison once they get in close...

(Continued below...)

The Joker Legacy (Vet) Dial

Think about all the stuff he gets -- Blades/Claws/Fangs, Energy Explosion, Exploit Weakness, 3 clicks of Outwit, Super Senses, and more. You literally have no idea what you may get -- and neither does your opponent! I won't lie to you -- you may never win with this figure, but you'll have oodles and oodles of fun!

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Your Comments:
Come on man, the batman GF Joker is the best one by far and he didn't make the list at all!?!?!?

Glad to see Joker thug in there. i love both his dials, and they are hands down the best of the clown henchmen we've received so far

Posted by: STE on 11/2/2014 10:04:34 AM
No Joker Batman set and no Joker DKR 28...
Cmon bro!

Posted by: KingYako on 9/9/2014 11:20:24 AM
i disagree on something. you didn't put in the lot Veteran Joker from Ions, way better than the Exp one in position n.8 considering the Jokers here, i would have submitted the Veteran version of joker in position n. 1 or 2

Posted by: Aquarius on 9/2/2014 6:13:33 AM
I'd agree with most of this list. Legacy experienced is still my favourite Joker ever as the unpredictability is so perfect. I'd definitely get Clown Prince in that list probably getting rid of the number 6 Heath Leger joker. It's an ok piece but any sculpt with a machine gun and 0 range goes in my never-use pile!

The straight-Jacket Joker from Arkham Asylum used to be my favourite at the 100 point mark until I got hold of the Arkham Origins Quick-Start Joker. Click for click he just does more and is worth the purchase of the set alone (which is fortunate given that the Batman sucks like a vacuum cleaner in a talcum powder factory!).

Posted by: Mantis Warrior on 8/31/2014 9:51:24 AM
@Predator: Oh yea, how could I forget about Onslaught? I didn't partake in the other sets so much so its not a surprise that I missed them Good catch Predator.

Posted by: Lord Logan on 8/30/2014 1:06:34 PM
I love that the Joker thug made the list as I've used him with a couple jokers.

@Lord Logan- Your reference to characters with 3 TAs is a little off as a quick few i can name with 3 or more are

-Superman & Superman
-Justice League Teambase
-LE Mon-El
-Onslaught(Has 4)

Posted by: Predator on 8/29/2014 11:37:12 PM
@Lord Logan: The PD TA doesn't need other figures with the same TA to use. As for the Batman Enemy and Underworld TAs, this makes the Sgt a little more versatile for team building -- and he becomes an excellent addition to any "wildcard" team for just 78 points!

Posted by: The Le on 8/29/2014 10:42:06 AM
@batfun: I agree, that was probably my favorite brick figure of them all. Either that or Super Skrull: Illuminati. I got so much use from him.

Posted by: Lord Logan on 8/29/2014 10:23:38 AM
I think that Joker as Sgt. is impressive to have 3 team abilities as there has never been a figure before or after (yet) to do this. He'd probably work best in a Police theme team for your going to need heavy hitters to make up for his constant 2 damage. These heavier hitters may most likely lack in attack thus boosting the damage. Utilization of Police TA makes this not a problem.

Come to think of it, utilization of all his team abilities is nearly impossible in a game since they all require characters with those team abilities. Thats a throw away to a theme team already.

Posted by: Lord Logan on 8/29/2014 10:22:27 AM
where is the clown prince of crime LE from Arkham Asylum. he might not will that much for me when i played him but he is so random each time u use him and to me that joker

Posted by: batfun112233 on 8/29/2014 10:15:34 AM