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arrowKC Revisited
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KC Revisited
The Le (01/31/2016)
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Goto Comments

Kingdom Come Revisited HeroClix
With the release of World's Finest HeroClix, the team ability received a major update! Now that and are actually different, your older KC figures might be playable again. First, let's take a look at the changes:

Old TA:

Kingom ComeWhenever an opposing character given an action attempts to move from a non-adjacent square into a square that is adjacent to a character using the Hyper time team ability, it must roll a d6. On a result of 1-2, the opposing character cannot move to any square adjacent to the character using this team ability that turn. Characters using this team ability ignore them on opposing characters.

New TA:

Kingom ComeWhen this character would be hit by a ranged combat attack, if the attacker doesn't have [KC], you may roll a d6. On a result of 5-6, this character evades the attack. Uncopyable


Essentially the new TA gives you Super Senses against ranged attacks, which is pretty cool. Also notice the TA is now uncopyable, and for good reason. So how is this going to impact older KC figures? Let's take start with Batman...

Continued Below...

Batman HeroClix Unleashed Dial

Batman's always been one of the weakest of the original KC figures. He was horribly over-priced at 188 points and had horrible defense -- even when 9 was the average attack value, you could take Batman down quickly. Of course, a whole dial of Outwit was good back then, when you could use it at a range of 10 all the time.... but now it's horrible since he can only use Outwit with a range of 6.

Incapacitate is better now that he deals damage (back in the day, it dealt 0 damage), but with just a range of 6, it won't be very useful... even with Running Shot.

So has the new ability made Batman better? Not really. He's ineffective as a ranged combatant and would get pwned by any low point figure.  That new "super senses against ranged" attacks helps a little, but his defense is just too low to survive, especially with all the Probability Control running around now.

His only saving grace is his middle clicks with true Super Senses. My understanding is that Batman can attempt to evade ranged attacks twice -- once by rolling for Super Senses and once by rolling for . Still, with such a horrible defense value, I don't think even a dozen Super Senses would help.

Related: HeroClix Probability and Statistics

Old Rating: F

New rating: D-

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Your Comments:
Magog seems to be the one who benefits the most for me. Moving into close combat got significantly easier. Instead of taking a hit or maybe 2 before closing on a crafty opponent, now he is as likely to have zero or one hit taken. That said, I liked the old TA quite a bit, even if I forgot to use it more often than most TAs.

Posted by: aqhoffman on 10/14/2017 5:35:16 PM
I've always loved kc and the characters from the story.

Posted by: Matt on 2/21/2016 10:13:04 PM
This figure needs indomitable badly! ( being made before that awesome time of special powers. ) having to wait a turn was rough especially if you didn't have a flier drop you off in your spot.
Outwit was handier before because outwit range was 10 I believe rather than a minimum of 6.

Back in these days we played with so many medics we might as well have owned an ambulance company. The design of the day was dials that really tailed downward. Hence the need for a medic. There was a huge effect on getting hit.. Today's dials are steadier and shorter. Today's run to the medic is probably tougher especially escaping kill box situations precisely because of dial length.

The KC ability should have allowed for a choice between new and old versions. I have been saved so many times while being in stealth from getting based by the old KC TA. That being said I love the new one and it is definitely an improvement! Outwit and perplex protection! Thank you Wizkids!

Posted by: BAM on 2/13/2016 7:11:43 AM
Red Robin reminds me of a badly cooked hot pudding. That first bite is delicious but the centre is undercooked and he has a very soggy bottom. Unfortunately, due to his top click stealth and big range in many situations the change to KC hinders him despite the coolness of double dip super senses :(

Posted by: MantisWarrior on 2/10/2016 10:26:49 PM
2 chances to avoid Ranged Combat attacks, this KC TA is a better version os Skrulls TA also, instead of the Mage Knight Terrify spin-off ... =P

The 3rd click with 2 targets incapacitate + willpower will make him very annoyng, unfortunatelly he already lost the Outwit ... =/

For 90 points this is a very solid seccond attacker, and for some colorblind guys you can thing he's Space Ghost ...

Posted by: GuiMaron on 2/9/2016 3:02:04 PM
What?!?! they have the Red Robin from Kingdom Come!! I wish they would just make for Kingdom Come set, loved reading that comic series.

Posted by: Go on 2/9/2016 2:34:18 PM
Red Robin is a very versatile piece that will come in handy in 300 point games and I look forward to using it.

Posted by: Urmom on 2/9/2016 2:07:06 PM
All Magog needs now is SI Dr. Strange for that 18 defend and he'll be good. Plus, he can taxied by him too!

Posted by: Lord Logan on 2/3/2016 2:33:39 PM
In general the Hypersonic KC figures will benefit most from the change as they are most likely to be at range from an opponent at the end of their turn.
Close combat attackers will benefit from a bit of protection on the way in and protection from ranged figures 'chipping in' when they are trying to clobber someone. However they will now be more vulnerable to opposing figures 'piling in' to their nice one on one bout.
Ranged figures will probably already have some ranged protection however (ESD or Stealth) so will miss the anti close combat 'ward' effect of the old ability most.

Posted by: MantisWarrior on 2/3/2016 8:46:04 AM
Dang my bad... I missread what you typed sorry.. I thought by saying "game effects that trigger off of evasion effects (such as Precision Strike) will still work against this team ability." I thought you meant the TA still works against powers like precision strike. Lol it sounded funny sorry...

Posted by: Bardock on 2/1/2016 6:13:58 PM
Actually no a character targeted by precision strike can't evade using the KC TA cause prescion strike - can't be transfered, reduced below 1 or evaded. Since prescion strike never really stated just "super senses" to evade the power super senses is an evade same as the new KC TA allows a character to "evade" with range attacks like that of super senses. But precision strike would still prevent a character using the KC TA from evading.

Posted by: Bardock on 2/1/2016 6:08:28 PM
While this is similar to the standard defense power Super Senses, it is not granting the character Super Senses— this means that a character with Kingdom Come team ability that can also use Super Senses now has two chances to evade a ranged combat attack. However, this is an evasion effect so game effects that trigger off of evasion effects (such as Precision Strike) will still work against this team ability. The team ability is also Uncopyable— this means that it can’t be copied by a Wild Card.

Read more:

Posted by: Tom on 2/1/2016 4:48:11 AM
Never mind. I'm on drugs ><

Posted by: Puuka on 1/31/2016 4:16:40 AM
You forgot to mention the new KC TA also works against Precision Strike

Posted by: Puuka on 1/31/2016 4:13:50 AM