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Superformula Against Cancer
The Le (09/06/2013)
Related: I Run For Life
Goto Comments

Superformula - Blood Cancer Awareness MonthSeptember was designated as National Blood Cancer Awareness Month in 2010 by the United States Congress. As part of that awareness, we present to you a new video that will make you proud to be a geek.

The patients at the A.C. Camargo Cancer Center (Brazil) are given a very special container to hold their cancer treatments. Designated as "Superformula" these containers help children with cancer.

As if that wasn't enough, DC Comics has taken an active role in helping these children. How? Take a look at the video...

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Your Comments:
Wow..... I will no longer make fun of DC by saying that many of their characters are Marvel ripoffs....... Maybe.... It's still an awesome idea. It's like what Marvel did for a kid with hearing problems...

Posted by: Fang the Javatar on 9/9/2013 5:47:06 PM
This is a great idea. I love it.

Posted by: Arachknight on 9/7/2013 12:33:08 PM
Well done DC, very cool!!!

Posted by: Maggnandy on 9/7/2013 5:08:45 AM