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Awesome Clix: Karate Kid
The Le (01/07/2016)
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Goto Comments

Awesome Clix: Karate Kid
It's our first Awesome Clix of the new year and we're going with one of our favorite Wild Card figures -- Karate Kid! at 63 points you have an amazing little secondary attacker that can fit in any 300 point team -- but he's really best used as a tie up piece.

Awesome Clix picks out some of our favorite Golden Age HeroClix figures that are still playable in Modern Age games!

Continued Below

Karate Kid HeroClix Dial

Awesome Clix: Green ArrowHe's not much in the damage department, but with 2 clicks of Exploit Weakness and one of Close Combat Expert, he can deal damage to anyone with Toughness and even invulnerable! Only one click of Charge though (and it won't work with Close Combat Expert), so he can be a tad difficult to get into position.

But once you do get in position, he can just sit there and fire away with his kicks and punches. That Combat Reflexes and Super Senses will certainly help, and a little Plasticity makes him a great tie-up piece.

So what you get is a great secondary or tertiary attacker and tie up piece, all for 63 points! The high attack value, Flight, and TA is icing to the cake.

Congrats Karate Kid, you're this week's Awesome Clix!

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Your Comments:
Wax on.. Wax off...

Love him for tie up. With over half of his clix having great offence who cares if the guy he is tying up hits him?

Posted by: MantisWarrior on 1/7/2016 11:23:13 AM