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Jason "Brother Magneto" Mical Interview
The Le (09/14/2009)
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HeroClix Groophantalien: were there any that you heavily lobbied for but it was not supported by the company.

Jason Mical: Groo baby.

darius_dax1: Why Groo?

Jason Mical: Groo was the first comic I read that made me think. This was at a very young age, and looking back on it the satire was pretty juvenile by adult comparisons, but to someone who's 9 or 10 years old it makes you begin to reconsider some of your preconceived notions about things. It's the same reason my favorite sci-fi book is Brave New World: it's not necessarily the best at what it does, but it played a major role in my own personal development. Plus, he is pretty cool. Who doesn't like a barbarian with two katanas?

Tidge: Just how disappointed were you that there was no "Reed Richards" LE from Clobberin' Time?

Jason Mical: Very. But I can tell you why it happened: the Mr Fantastic sculpt was on a different sprue (the 'tree branch' of plastic that each figure was on - the mold was big enough for about 10 figures per sprue, so figures came out of the mold attached to a big branch that had 10 different sculpts on it.) LEs were always made from the same sprue of figures to save production costs, one-offs were very rarely printed, or if they were they were done in such quantities that they were for things like conventions. Which is the story of why there was no Reed Richards LE from Clobberin' Time.

delowen: What do you feel was Wizkids' biggest blunder of the last few years, besides letting you go?

Jason Mical: Selling themselves to a company too conservative to understand how they operated as a business, and the best way to let them innovate and make great games.

CuriousLurker: Godzilla... How close were we to getting him?

Jason Mical: The negotiations were on the table as I left, I don't know how things progressed from there.

HeroClix Fantastic Four Zombieszero_cochrane: What figure was your own MVP?

Jason Mical: I absolutely loved playing the FF from Fantastic Forces. I'm not sure if I'd call them MVPs, but I'd call them MFPs (most fun players.)

IceHot: Do you think the "HeroClix Formula" is complex enough to keep the game balanced are do you think there are elements of the "Formula" that need to be adjusted to make a more balanced game?

Jason Mical: Yes and no respectively, but understand I'm not a game designer.

krazycp: What is your favorite Clix figure?

Jason Mical: House of M Magneto, for the sculpt. If I could have a 12" sculpt of any one of our figures, that would be it. Sitting on my desk, right now.

The Le: Thanks for taking this interview, it's been great talking to you. Any final thoughts?

I really appreciate it. I don't make it back to HCRealms often but I did so after TheLe posted his thread there, and I have to say it's a testament to how strong and great the HeroClix community is that the site is still going strong this long after the game was cancelled and announced to come back (take that, naysayers!) That more than anything is what differentiated HeroClix from any other WizKids game: the strength of the community around it. It's a testament to how great everyone is that they're still discussing the game and still hanging out on the same places, and that there are actually new players joining.

HeroClix may become way more niche than its been in the past, but that's not a bad thing. As I'm looking forward to coming back to America and planning some of my travel next summer to conventions it's fantastic that I'll have a few games of HeroClix to look forward to in that mix. Keep gaming guys. You all rock.

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Your Comments:
wintremute: If you could make ONE change to HeroClix (rules, system, whatever), what would it be and why would you do it?

Jason Mical: Make HorrorClix 100% compatible with HeroClix, which is how it should be.

Amen. I so want 100% Heroclix-compatible AVP miniatures (based more off the video games and comics and less off the lackluster movies), plus fully compatible Freddy & Jason (based off of more than just that one single movie), generic zombies, generic vamps, generic werewolves, etc., etc.

Posted by: Charlemagne on 6/8/2011 12:53:36 PM
"As far as personal projects go I'm working on a novel (about superheroes) and another writing project about being an American Ex-Pat in London. The other thing I've been working on is something I can't really talk about yet, but it's gaming-related, so stay tuned."

Neat. Staying tuned.

Posted by: glen_smith on 9/19/2009 6:35:29 AM
I can understand the need for decent Mexican Food...I can't understand going to Seattle to get it.

Posted by: wintremute on 9/14/2009 3:08:11 PM