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10 Minutes with Hair10
The Le (02/10/2010)
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Goto Comments


Karl "Hair10" Markovich was one of the earliest HeroClix rules arbiter for Wizkids for many years. He's since left the world of arbiting, but his legacy still stands. We sit down with Karl to get his thoughts on HeroClix, and more.

HeroClix World Supergirl SupermanThe Le: Any Final thoughts for our readers?

Hair10: Sure, a couple... I'm interested to see where NECA takes the game. This a perfect opportunity to restart, review what worked and what didn't, and make changes where needed. I hope they take the opportunity and run with. Things like the in store brick fig are great ideas and I consider going back to a mail-away a step backwards, but I'm still optimistic that this new WK will forge it's own path as it moves along. I know I'll be tagging along behind to see what happens at the end of that sprint. :)

Don't ever quit gaming. In todays world people spent too much time online, in front of game consoles, or are just too busy to sit down with other people for some good old fashioned face-to-face social interaction. We need more of that in the world. Maybe we, as a race, would be more tolerant and understanding of others if we simply spent more time with them and got to know them. I can't think of a better way than playing a few games. And as you get older, play games with your kids. You'll be surprised to see how much they learn from the games and you.

Finally, a thank you to all the players and people I've met over the years. I had the rather unique opportunity to travel all over the country to various cons... all on WK's dime. Because of that I've met, talked with, and sat down across from a lot of HC players. All of my interactions have been good ones HC players are simply the BEST gamers out there.

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Your Comments:
Great interview!

I agree with EVERYTHING Hair say about R/E/V, Special powers, 2 color powers and the Tuttle dislike. :p

Posted by: CarlosMucha on 2/16/2010 9:45:37 PM
Well, I'm really new to HeroClix, and have never played the game before, even though I bought a bunch of stuff as I plan to introduce the game to my family this weekend. I am a BIG Heroscape fan (my introduction to tabletop gaming) but I got interested in HC because of the comic book characters. At first glance, it seems a lot more complicated than Scape because of the PAC, but just like we did with Scape, we play the quick rules first to get the hang of the game before introducing the PAC. I did a trail run of some turns by myself just to get an idea of how combat flowed and it was very cool, it has a lot of back-and-forth (I really like the critical hit/miss and pushback mechanics), so I'm excited to see how the game goes over. I look forward to picking all of your brains about HC.

Posted by: dynomutt312000 on 2/13/2010 8:27:26 AM
I can't say I disagree with a single point made in the article (except maybe the author being more of a DC fan :)). I too enjoy getting nearly a complete set when I pick up a case, and hate having to dish out $$ to complete my set - GW takes too much of my money to devote any more to clix. I prefer quality over quantity (I use the figs in RPGs, and hate representing characters with painted lumps of plastic). And I liked not having to send off for a buy it by the brick fig. I am also glad, of course, that clix is back, and am looking forward to Blackest Night.

Posted by: Nova00 on 2/11/2010 3:26:43 PM
Very interesting article. I do remember reading some of Hair's comments and the replies on WK realms when it was up. Between him and some of the others (Harpua & nbperb mainly) they helped some some problems our judge wasnt to sure about in years past. I agree with alot of what he said here and hope WK/N doesnt just blow it off, if they even read it at all. But like BB said in his comment. I'm glad we have our game back.

Posted by: Nightwing-fan on 2/10/2010 5:20:22 PM
Nice interview, really helps pass the time her in the winter wonderland of central PA. I never met Hair but he sure has an interesting perspective on the game. I too hope the New Wizkids will learn from past mistakes, but when its all said and done I'm glad we have our game back.

Posted by: battlinbichon on 2/10/2010 12:09:37 PM