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Slade Files: Ultron
Eric "Slade Wilson" Schaen (07/28/2010)
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Related: Slade Files: Spider-Man
(Back in Black)

Related: Slade Files: Moon Knight (ASM)
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Goto Comments

HeroClix World UltronPlaying Ultron
Ata cost of174 points Ultron is probably going to be your primarily attacker. His 12 range and Indomitable should give him a good chance to get the first hit in. So place him carefully on the first turn and be prepared to start the ball on the next turn. I personally like the idea of him carrying a minion of some sort, landing on an object to increase his defense (against ranged attacks) and dropping the minion in front of him. On the next turn move the minion out of the way and fire away with the 12 range, or pick up the object and charge an opponent if they wandered into charge range.

Editor's Note: Ultron has Pulse Wave, not Super Strength, but the strategy is still sound. We recommend using Pulse Wave for your attack: if your minion can run away before doing so, then great, but there's no shame in letting your minion take "collateral damage" from Pulse Wave. Sacrifice is what Minions live for...

Combating Ultron

Ok so how do you battle Ultron? Tie him up quick! Use a figure or figures who you don’t mind sacrificing to get in his face. This will keep that long range of his from being an issue. Then position your attacker to move in and do some damage on the next turn. Outwit will be useful as long as Ultron is not using the fortitude feat. Psychic blast is always good against impervious foes. Pulse wave is another way to bypass the impervious if you can pull it off.


Let’s look at some feat choices forUltron. The first one I think of when using Ultron is Automatic Regeneration. This Feat will allow Ultron to take advantage of those regeneration clix if he is nearing defeat. Again with indomitable if he fails the automatic roll then try for another with a power action. Protected is always a choice for indomitable characters to consider as it can turn big damage into no damage at all. Rather than the pricey fortitude feat for Ultron I like the Outsmart feat. Since he has both outwit and Mastermind this can be just as effective for more than ½ the cost of playing Fortitude.

Ultron is playable in 300 point games. However games of 400 points or more is where Ultron is really going to be tough to deal with. The robot keyword lends itself to some great theme teams for Ultron. Or the Masters of Evil are another fun choice. Be sure to bring the right support like probability control, and master mind fodder and Ultron will shine in your games.

Final assessment

At under 200 points Ultron is a beast and worth every point ---in a skilful player's hands he can be downright nasty. Playable in 300 point games, but in 400+ point games watch out, he is truly evil.

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Your Comments:
@ captainawesome:

That's why you need In Contact with Oracle and Protected/and or Fortitude. True, his defense drops a little too fast for comfort, but look on the bright side: He doesn't take pushing damage! Give him Nova-Blast, and watch him go to town.

Oh, and as for 5 star zombie killer: You have a frickin potty mouth, dude. Shut up.

Posted by: Owlman166 on 10/8/2010 9:09:38 PM
how come he doesn't have the lethal legions key word? the legion is a fun theme team. the power of lethal legions! nuff said bitches!

Posted by: 5 star zombie killa on 8/17/2010 3:40:37 AM
I think i've been using Telekenisis wrong, i always treated someone that was being carried with TK the same as someone carried by a flier, so they couldnt be given an action on that turn... now i see this is not the way, geeze no wonder everyone loves TK! maybe i should stop ignoring the potential and start abusing those mandroids i've had lying around without use for several years now; que the manic laughter of the evil geneous

Posted by: Ste on 7/29/2010 7:08:17 PM
@ CaptainAwesome as well. Ultron doesn't have Pulse Wave overlapping with Mastermind so that really isn't an issue of friendly fire. If you are using him you need a TK'er anyway to get off the initial PW attack, then move your MM fodder up.

Posted by: 3Gsniper on 7/29/2010 12:11:06 PM
I never said he wasn't good. I agree that if you have a robot theme team you can go ahead and use him. I'm just saying that for 174 points I don't like to use him because after only three clix he no longer has damage reucing powers and only has a 16 deense.

Posted by: CaptainAwesome on 7/29/2010 10:18:32 AM
I love using this guy. Except for Thor, I haven't used anybody more from HOT then him. We play 600-1000 points tourney games most of the time at my venue and I love to team him up with Thor from HOT. They are a deadly duo. He won me my last tourney when he Nova Blasted my opponents team with the first shot in the finals. The guy had a GL carrying 8 others and we used "The Lab" map. He moved into the Lab, I blasted a hole in the wall and TKed Ultron. I KOed 3 with the shot and the others we all on their last 2 clixs. The rest of my team cleaned up. He is a beast and one of the best sculpts they have ever put out

Posted by: Nightwing-fan on 7/29/2010 8:12:41 AM
@ CaptainAwesome. dude believe me he is an absolute beast! i ran him at a sealed event for HoT and he crushed everything in his path, and that was without auto-regen. on a robot themed team with a couple of auto-regen'ing M11s is a nightmare to play against too.
it normally takes one good/lucky smack from a heavy hitter to knock him onto mastermind so just have his MM-fodder with him at all times, its not rocket science.
All in all he is definately one of the best heavy hitters from the heaviest hitting set released so far so is definately worth some respect

Posted by: Ste on 7/28/2010 6:59:43 PM
@ captain awesome, what is wrong with you ultron is one of the best figures out there, so what your minion goes down with there guys, there guys are still down

Posted by: chris mercer on 7/28/2010 6:56:42 PM
Im sorry but i truly disagree that Ultron is a quote "downright beast." For that high of points your telling me that after only 3 clix done to him he has mastermind? How are you supposed to get figs to throw his mastermind on while not killing them with pulse wave? It's just to hard and unpredictable to mastermind with a character that does not start with it.

Posted by: CaptainAwesome on 7/28/2010 1:09:26 PM
I think Pulse Wave plays greatly into the strategy of the figure. A Pulse Wave attack ignores mostly everything which is great. Having Pulse Wave with a 12 attack and 4 damage is outstanding. It can hit a Vet Icons Supes as a single target for 4 damage needing only to roll a six. However, without Running Shot, getting in the best position to make a PW attack is challenging, especially against a single target (where it dose full damage instead of being reduced to 1). I think you need to consider adding a TK figure to a build with Ultron. In Modern I would recommend M+M Marvel Girl or Gee who are both 40 points. Both have front-loaded TK which will help get Ultron into the best position for a PW or give him a swing of 20 effective range (12 range + 8 squares of TK). Both are cheap enough to provide Mastemind fodder if Ultron gets knocked too far into his dial. In Golden events you might want to sub in R Red Tornado for 42 points and run a Robot Theme, or R Mandroid for only 28 points in a “shiny metal” team. Even if you never use PW, having it and some TK to move into a good position can help to dictate your opponent’s actions as Ultron + TK are a combination that demands respect on the board. Thanks for highlighting such a great figure!!

Posted by: bigbro911 on 7/28/2010 11:36:13 AM
chopstix182: corrected. Thanks.

Personally I would always choose to let the minion take damage from Pulse Wave just to show how evil Ultron truly is. A maniacal laugh is also recommended.

Posted by: The Le on 7/28/2010 10:14:18 AM
Great review! Too bad he's hard to get from HoT. Btw you wrote "pulse wave not charge" but I think you mean not super strength.
Charge is still valid! Late night writing is not fun haha

Posted by: chopstix182 on 7/28/2010 9:52:22 AM
wait a sec I said land on the object for the bonus to defense not damage?

Posted by: Slade Wilson on 7/28/2010 9:46:54 AM
Crap! I thought I had enough Ultrons in my collection. Now reading this.....adding Ultron to my HeroClix Most Wanted Hit List. How much is he going for on eBay?

Posted by: lordcassidyg on 7/28/2010 9:15:34 AM
damn fine article and what a ruff customer!

Posted by: jack on 7/28/2010 9:04:53 AM
@bigbro911: Good call! It changes slightly, yes. Slade's assessment is to carry a minion around as a shield, then pulverize your opponents with his ranged attack or charge an opponent. He won't get the +1 or +2 damage bonus since he can't carry an object, but Slade's strategy in this article is still sound.

I'll doc Slade's pay for his mistake, thanks. Wait-a-minute, he's a freelancer, so I already paid him for this article... rats! :P

Posted by: The Le on 7/28/2010 8:46:21 AM
Good article, except he has Pulse Wave not Super Strength on his first two clixs, which changes up how he can be used compared to the information presented. What a great dial and awesome sculpt!!! :p

Posted by: bigbro911 on 7/28/2010 8:37:45 AM