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Slade Files: John Constantine
Eric Schaen (01/25/2013)
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Related: Slade Files: Superman
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Goto Comments

Combating John Constantine
Unfortunately, with a dial only four clix deep John is equipped with a proverbial glass jaw. Taking John out is simple enough, just hit him hard. Since you are more than likely going to take a clix of Mystic damage, make sure you land (4) or more damage to ensure you take him out of the game. Characters that gain a stats boost on their second clix are optimal for this task.

Continued below...

Slade Files: John COnstantine

Feat Suggestions
One low cost option you can never go wrong with is the Alias feat. For just (3) points, this feat will give Constantine a single use Shape Change great for giving him a chance to avoid that first attack.

At a more moderate cost of (10) points I like the Sidekick feat for JC. With this feat John can benefit from an adjacent teammates higher defense value, making it more difficult to land a hit on him.

At a cost of 59 points John Constantine just barley makes the cut as a viable option. The combination of his trait, Probability Control and his Special Powers make him a decent support option to supplement your teams. Just be sure your other characters have the ability to function as attackers and you should be good to go. If you do play him, keep in mind one good hit and your team is now short one character to work with.

That’s all for now, see you on the battlefield!

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Your Comments:
Yeah, I think he is well worht his points as well. But, I get what the author is saying. He is fragile and one good hit is mostlikley going to take him out of the game.

Posted by: Dr. Silly on 1/25/2013 1:31:36 PM
"Just barely makes the cut"? I would like to point out that this game basically runs on probability control nowadays. 59 points to neuter the strongest power in the meta is almost always worth the investment. And on the off chance you're playing someone without any use of prob? Just push him into even further utility. Mystics + his own wild card not only gives him tons of options for team building but takes the place that Jason Blood had in many of Wildcarded Mystics teams. In essence, John's going to be your perfect counter to scarlet witch enthusiasts.

Posted by: Shazbot on 1/25/2013 9:57:46 AM