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Avengers Acedemy HeroClix
The Le Games (03/19/2015)
Related: Avengers Assemble HeroClix Spoilers
Related: Civil War Spoilers
Related: Age of Ultron Movie HeroClix
Related: Age of Ultron HeroClix Spoilers
Goto Comments

03-19-2015: Over in Vegas, super fan Kristopher F. took this picture of a new HeroClix set: Avengers Academy! I wonder who the pale white villain is?

Avengers Academy HeroClix Spoilers

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Your Comments:
Trickshot is on it. I bet its one of the sides of the Avengers Assemble booster.

Posted by: Gilly25 on 5/5/2015 12:26:25 PM
To wanderer-that is the Quinjet, the grand prize in the Age of Ultron event.

Posted by: Kuribo on 3/21/2015 6:17:24 AM
My question is what is that figure in the far right corner past the boosters I hope its a marvel vehicle?

Posted by: The Wanderer on 3/21/2015 1:51:34 AM
Looks like they have Original Academy members shown - Hazmat, Mettle, Veil and Reptil (don't see Finesse or Striker). Villains shown Black Swan (mentioned already), Whirlwind, Korvac, Trick Shot, Immortus and Master Pandemonium. Can't wait for the new clix.

Posted by: Shawn B on 3/20/2015 1:50:06 PM
From Game Trade 180:

It's time to save the world — again! Marvel HeroClix: Avengers Assemble features past and current members of the Avengers, as well as classic Avengers villains! Highlighting sub-themes of Avengers Academy and Avengers Arena, Avengers Assemble features 71 unique figures to collect, as well as 15 different Avengers ID Cards randomly inserted into boosters.
WZK 71844

Posted by: superfriend on 3/20/2015 11:00:10 AM
as the others have said, this is NOT a new set named Avengers Academy, but the side booster art for the upcoming set Avengers Assemble where Avengers Academy is a theme. Think JL:Trinity War where the sides showed the themed piece groups of JL Dark and JL America.

Posted by: superfriend on 3/20/2015 9:19:09 AM
That is the sideart for Avengers Assemble. You may want to ask him where he got that photo.

Posted by: Kuribo on 3/20/2015 6:08:49 AM
It's the side art for Avengers Assemble. There are more clear pictures of the brick at

Posted by: Kuribo on 3/20/2015 6:01:53 AM
The pale white villain is Black Swan from the current story in New Avengers and Avengers leading into Secret Wars

Posted by: Yourpalpaki on 3/19/2015 1:34:49 PM