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Quintessential Spider-Man
Eric Schaen (09/18/2014)
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HeroClix, the Quintessential Spider-Man DialSince the HeroClix's inception there have been many versions of the beloved web-swinger. However, few come close to capturing all the right elements for a truly Quintessential Spider-Man HeroClix. With Marvel celebrating 75 years, we felt it was the right time to give Marvel’s flagship character the Quintessential treatment.

When creating a dial for Spider-Man, there are a few key attributes to consider -- Let’s talk about his Spider-Sense Super Senses). This extrasensory danger sense warns him of potential immediate threat by a tingling sensation in the back of his skull, linking with his superhuman reflexes, enabling him to evade most any attack. This is represented by his trait; SPIDER SENSE TINGLING. With all the Precision Strike popping up lately, I thought Spidey needed a little boost for dodging those attacks.

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Dial by Eric Schaen (continued below...)

HeroClix, the Quintessential Spider-Man Dial

Next, you’ll notice that his trademark WEB SHOOTERS. This allows him to use Incapacitate, but with a twist. He can use the power when using the ##Transporter ability; allowing Spidey to Web targets up while on the go.

Speaking of the Transporter ability, yeah he’s got that. But notice his speed special power: AMAZING, SPECTACULAR AND MODEST. When he’s on these clix he does not modify his attack value by-2, but rather his speed value takes the -2 hit. In the comic,s Spidey will often carry a character, so the Transporter ability is a great way to capture his agile fighting style and his helpfulness to his teammates.

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Improved Movement in the form of WALL CALLING will get Spidey where he needs to be or allow him to break away with ease. Parker’s known for shooting off his mouth to antagonize his opposition. This is represented by the special power I MOCK! I'M A MOCKER (Perplex)!  Late in the dial when things are getting rough, Spidey gives it his all with BRING IT GOBBY!

The rest of the Quintessential Spider-Man is pretty straight forward. Super Strength is there to increase damage output when needed. Sidestep and #Flurry show up late dial and of course there is plenty of Outwit and Perplex available to show off Parker’s genius intellect.

Well that’s all for now, I’m off to start work on my next dial featuring a certain one eyed mercenary.

See ya!

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Your Comments:
Love the trait. Take that precision strike.

Posted by: Wade was here. on 9/19/2014 4:16:47 PM
Eh... I like the mock ability but otherwise nothing really jumps out at me.

Posted by: Bliss on 9/19/2014 3:09:18 PM
I really like the Mocker power and makes me question,

Why hasn't there been a Spider-Man that does that?!?!

Posted by: Lord Logan on 9/19/2014 10:49:42 AM
I'd play it!

Posted by: Spider-Fan on 9/18/2014 5:09:39 PM
Great dial, but it's perhaps better to refer to "the Move and Attack Ability" rather than the Transporter Symbol (unless you want the effects to trigger while Spider-Man's using Carry, which doesn't seem to be the intent)

Posted by: Alan Wilkinson (Cassius335) on 9/18/2014 5:05:49 PM
trait: My spidy sense is tingling: spiderman ignores precision strike, spiderman can use shape change and super senses, spider man super sense roll succeeds with D 4,5,6

Posted by: kvl on 9/18/2014 11:36:54 AM
Now Thats a spider-Man I would love to play. A little pricey but seems worth it.

Posted by: Shaft! on 9/18/2014 11:23:14 AM
Sweet DIAL, love the move and attack/incap combo!

There is so much precision strike nowadays though :(

I wish Spidey could ignore the effects of precision strike, after all, that is his greatest ability, evading attacks. Is it not?

Posted by: David on 9/18/2014 7:02:49 AM