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One of the most controversial comic book issues to come out of the New DC 52 is Detective Comics #1. Before even reading it, fan boys were up in arms over one thing, the number. It was so close to 900, why would they change it? That's easy, to show the company’s commitment to the new DC Universe. People are concerned that the Batman that they have grown to love over the years will be changing.
Fear not! Detective Comics #1 feels just like the Batman everyone knows. The DC Comics powers that be know they have a winner with Batman, and it is clear with this issue, that he will not be changing very much or at all.
Detective Comics #1 is the start of what looks to be a Batman versus Joker story arc. Tony S. Daniel is the writer and provides the pencils for this new series. His work so far has been brilliant! The story flows from panel to panel with great, eye-popping art. It’s dark. It’s moody. The fight scenes are downright brutal! It’s almost to the point of being called “graphic” at times.
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