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The Flash Unboxing!
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Related: Quintessential Flash
Related: Slade Files: The Flash
Related: The Flash HeroClix Spoilers
Related: I Run For Life
Goto Comments

Check you this official Flash HeroClix video!

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no idea.

But, Flash related, I scored a full CUR of the Flash set for 50$ shipped. Just waiting for it to arrive.

Also, played in a cool event on Sat where we bought 1 booster, team had to include one of the pieces from the booster and was played on a home made 3D map. The buildings were of several heights to simulate levels. Very cool to be able to have Flash run up the side of the building and have your characters fly to the roof tops.

Posted by: superfriend on 11/24/2014 8:06:46 AM
where has all the posts gone? r u having troubles

Posted by: GILLY25 on 11/21/2014 8:05:41 AM
I did not mean the SR prime and SRs would be more expensive than the chases, just that outside of the chase aspect about them, that these other pieces might be more desirable.

Posted by: superfriend on 11/13/2014 7:57:56 AM
It looks like the chases from this set have gone back to the earlier very hard to get. A sealed brick will get you a prime, but a sealed case does not mean you get a chase.

Chases seem to be running 65$ on eBay.

IMO, the big pull, more than the chases in this set, is the SR prime, a Black Lantern version of Professor Zoom. I expect a few of the other SRs to be fairly expensive as well, the Kingdom Come Flash for instance.

Posted by: superfriend on 11/13/2014 7:56:05 AM
i guess the set is out in some fashion, eBay is full of pieces from it. I find it a great source for pictures of what is in a new set.

Posted by: superfriend on 11/12/2014 1:06:36 PM
The real takeaway from the 2nd video is how prevalent the new Speed Force power is. Its so common, that they could have made it the Speedster team ability and put a new TA into the game, using the Flash logo as the picture.

I just hope it is easier to use that the lantern batteries. We seem to have new questions on how they work every week and players are still confused.

Posted by: superfriend on 11/7/2014 8:11:33 AM
2nd Video
Looking at this set in terms of completing it, they opened 2 bricks and got 2 primes. If they were from the same case, then buying a case does not guarantee a chase like in recent sets.

IMO, 1 chase per case and more chases - the last 2 marvel sets had 8 chases each - increases case sales. IMO, this pack out will cause folks to buy fewer cases as folks decide to keep their case money to buy the chases on the 2ndary market.

For the first time in a long time, I am looking at a set in terms of money. I usually pick up 2 boosters each week at the local shop, try to trade duplicates for pieces I do not have, then buy the rest of the CUR pieces eventually on line, living with whatever SRs and chases I pulled or did not unless I can get them at a reasonable price (< 10$ for really want, < 5$ for I don't care).

But looking at this monetarily, even buying a brick or even case is no guarantee of getting a full CUR. So if I can pick up a brick for 100$ or a CUR for 40$, the CUR purchase leaves me $60 to pick up any SRs or chases I might feel the need for.

Now shocked to realize that completing the GF last night, the Flash set has already cost me 36$ and a few trades.

Posted by: superfriend on 11/7/2014 8:04:22 AM
out on instigram, there are pics of the pieces and dials from the Rogues Fast Forces set.

Posted by: superfriend on 11/6/2014 12:41:23 PM
Flash Gravity Feed collecting update.
1. They are out there.
2. They make a great fill in for those who are waiting for the main set.
3. They include the "speed force token" mechanic so you can get some practice in on that.
4. They should wet the appetite for the main set.
5. I bought 4, traded for 2 more and now have 6 of the 10, including the Gorilla Commander!

Posted by: superfriend on 10/28/2014 7:21:18 AM
Was looking forward to adding Grodd and Capt Cold to my Legion of Doom from SLOSH. Now wondering if because these are definitively new 52 sculpts if WK or DC will skip that keyword (the SLOSH LOD sculpts were very retro) for them.

Also wondering if there was enough lead time to give Capt Cold the Justice League and whatever name they give the team Lex put together in Forever Evil keywords.

The gravity feed has been spoiled completely, dials and all at this point. #1 want = Gorilla General to lead my Gorilla Soldier army.

Posted by: superfriend on 10/23/2014 9:59:41 AM
I'm super excited. The sculpts are awesome, the characters are awesome. I'm just really stoked for this.
Can't wait for a new Pied Piper, Ragdoll, Rainbow Raider, and the Fiddler.
November 5th is too far away.

Posted by: The ConJCHaCKKK on 10/22/2014 7:35:37 AM
Watched the vid can't wait for zoom and reverse flash. Lez go

Posted by: Zoom on 10/20/2014 7:41:11 PM
With this video, we now know an insane number of characters in the set - something like 63 out of 68. To me, the surprise was not only are we getting multiple versions of the Flash (Jay, Barry, Wally, etc) but if the villains have had multiple versions, we are getting many of them too (Zoom for instance).

And apparently there are 30+ brand new characters to the game in this set. Crazy awesome if you ask me.

Posted by: superfriend on 10/20/2014 12:45:47 PM