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Review: Captain America
Eric Schaen (07/28/2011)
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Goto Comments

Stanley Tucci Captain AmericaSteve’s heart and compassion impresses the scientist Dr. Abraham Erskine (played by the marvelous actor Stanley Tucci), and Steve is offered a chance to serve his country by partaking in an experimental process to turn a physical weakling in to the pinnacle of human physicality. Steve also develops a fondness for the beautiful and tough Peggy Carter, a female MI6 agent played by the captivating Hayley Atwell.

The romance between Steve and Peggy is paced like a relationship from the 40’s – they take time getting to know each other. With the tension of war and having an objective to accomplish, one has to keep their feelings in check. The actors do a fine job of maintaining their fondness for one another without being totally engrossed in their feelings. Movie goers may not be used to this type of classiness and mistake their chemistry as being a little flat, but remember the situation, its war and the fate of the free world is at stake.

Veteran actor Tommy Lee Jones is splendid in the role of Colonel Chester Phillips, the disapproving drill sergeant, and later Commanding Officer oversees. He steals the show in almost all of his scenes. Hugo Weaving once again displays his impressive aptitude for portraying a maniacal villain. He is on top of his game both in and out of makeup as the Red Skull. Weaving really embodies the character. Interestingly, the choice of having Hydra as the main threat rather than the Nazis didn’t bother me at all. For those who may be worried about this, don’t be. There are still plenty of references to Uncle Adolf’s goose-steppers throughout the film.

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Your Comments:
Best Superhero movie ever!!!

Posted by: Doc Savage-Hulk on 4/6/2012 6:54:03 AM
GL was better than this movie. Tommy Lee Jones pretty much mailed it in, rah-rah America "eff-ya" type material was too much to stomach. Red Skull makeup on Hugo Weaving was tragically fake. Overall the most predictable plot and least endearing character since Affleck's Daredevil.

Posted by: a guy on 8/27/2011 3:27:22 AM
awesome movie, it had even more potential to flop than thor but credit due marvel just hit a home run, as you yanks would say

Posted by: Ste on 8/8/2011 9:04:12 AM
captain america was ace best comic book film in ages
don't get why alot of people like dark knight and spider-man 2
it's abit sh*t. i like batman and spider-man but these are poor films and no don't want to see there new films

Posted by: ikari on 8/4/2011 7:28:04 AM
I can agree with darrell's order of the latest movies. Well, Thor and GL were close enough that I can't decide.

In the Cap movie, there were two things I wanted to see but didn't involving Nick Fury. I liked how in the Avengers cartoon they solved the problem of Ultimate Nick Fury by making Jack Fury the leader of the Howling Commandos. That would have worked well, because Rogers needed somebody to learn tactics from. They also watered down the scene of Cap waking up. I loved in the Ultimates when Samuel L. is introduced as "General Nick Fury" and Cap immediately suspects a Nazi trap: "Nice try, Fritz! Your accents are impeccable, but the highest ranking black man in the U.S. army is a lieutenant!"

I'm not sure why they changed Bucky's death. It was far less climatic than the comic version.

Posted by: Kragnorak on 8/1/2011 7:39:58 AM
Not a big fan of the new suit on Cap. It looks kind of dorky and the helmet looks stupid. I don't understand the padded head gear look. What makes me more upset is that Cap and Bucky were friends 'before' Steve was turned into Cap? Bucky was suppose to be like 12-13 when he found out Cap's secret ID. I always looked at the reason that Bucky wore his own outfit was to disguise who he was and how old he was. Bucky originally was the squads mascot. I really don't see the need to change that part of the origin. Then I again the only SuperHero movie that I feel was necessary to change a part of the Origin store was in Iron Man because it would make no sense for Tony to be in the location now.

Posted by: Sirchristopher on 7/31/2011 11:57:36 AM
What I really wanted to see was another cameo of Hugh Jackman. Cap running into Wolverine during WWII would be great. Too bad it didn't happen becuase it was two different franchises.

Posted by: Kana Sihsobhon on 7/31/2011 1:08:39 AM
Defently one of the better of the Hero Movies so far. too bad that DC cant do anythig decent besides Green Lantern. Last Batman that was any good were teh Tim Burton ones with Micheal Keaton.

Posted by: Ken on 7/29/2011 5:04:41 PM
this year I'd go in order:
Xmen first class
Captain America
Green Lantern

Posted by: darrell on 7/29/2011 9:33:39 AM
My vote still goes to Batman Begins as the best hero movie, but the runner ups are definintly Dark Knight and Spiderman 2.

Posted by: Owlman166 on 7/29/2011 5:19:56 AM
wonderful review
totally agree with all points

Posted by: darkclaw on 7/28/2011 10:27:35 PM
This is the second best movie in existence, sorry Cap, but Dark Knight is still the best. I am slightly biased though, so feel free to have your own opinions... even if they are wrong.

Posted by: Friendly Neighborhood Super Soldier on 7/28/2011 9:22:12 PM
Great review. I thought this was way better than Thor and Green Lantern.

Posted by: Owlman166 on 7/28/2011 6:08:05 PM
Nicely done movie 5x the plot than say suckerpunch

Posted by: Todd Manning on 7/28/2011 4:25:14 PM
Umm... great review. Reminds me of the episode of the Simpsons where Homer becomes a food critic.

Editor: You know, Homer, we need someone like you. Someone who doesn't immediately "poo-poo" everything he eats.

Homer: Nah, usually takes me a few hours.

Posted by: Composition & Critical Thought 101 on 7/28/2011 12:42:34 PM
Spot on review. This was a very entertaining and well done movie. What I most agree with is the author's review of the supporting cast. Everyone of them did a fantastic job. Looking forward to the Avengers and E Sshaen's review of that as well.

Posted by: Ryan on 7/28/2011 12:09:43 PM