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Clix Beat: S.H.I.E.L.D. Enforcer
The Le (02/14/2012)
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Related: Clix Beat: Cobra
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Marvel Avengers HeroClix, Shield Team PackClix Beat is a new series of articles that focuses on a single HeroClix figure and some of the great ways to play it on a team. We kick off this new series with an exclusive look at the S.H.I.E.L.D. ENFORCER from the S.H.I.E.L.D. TEAM PACK  (this pack also includes Nick Fury and Black Widow).

(Click to See Full Dial)

Right off the bat you’ll notice that the S.H.I.E.L.D. ENFORCER weighs in at just 25 points and has this uber powerful Team Ability:

S.H.I.E.L.D. Adjacent friendly characters modify their range values by +1. Give this character a power action and choose an adjacent friendly character. The chosen character modifies its damage value by +1 while adjacent to this character and making ranged combat attacks this turn.

Just that first part is pretty darned potent. Put 3 of these around Ultron or Professor X and their ranges go from [12] to an amazing 15… all for just 75 points. Give just 2 of them a power action and NICK FURY (in the same pack) will be going from [3] damage to 5 damage!

SHIELD3 clicks of Stealth will keep the S.H.I.E.L.D. ENFORCER well hidden, and he’ll need it because of the average defense values with no damage reduction.  But that’s okey, because this figure is first and foremost a utility piece. He’s not meant to be in the front lines, so don’t put him there. Energy Shield/Deflection and Combat Reflexes helps out some, but for the most part you want to keep this guy hidden.

As you can see, the S.H.I.E.L.D. ENFORCER needs to be adjacent to a friendly for proper use as a utlility piece, so don't be afraid to push him in order to get him in position. Another option is to Telekinesis him where you want. Even if you can't use the Power-Action portion of the Team Ability, at least you'll be able to take advantage of the +1 range.

On that note, the S.H.I.E.L.D. ENFORCER is also some good cannon fodder for Mastermind. He's far more useful in other ways, but that option is there if you need it.

Continued on next page...

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Your Comments:
The example given in the last paragraph works. If the Enforcer spends a Power Action before the Flight character uses Running Shot and is Carried, then the Enforcer would be placed after movement/before Ranged Combat Action, and the chosen Running Shot piece would gain both the +1 Range and the +1 Damage.

Try Tomar-Re (the first one) with three SHIELD TA grunts for a 15 Range and 6 damage.

And as much as I like this guy, I'm going to like the Agent Coulson repaint soooooo much more.

Posted by: dairoka on 2/16/2012 5:48:53 AM
@Krusticlese: why would the rarity matter? It's part of the Shield Team Pack, which is a 3-figure non-blind pack that is sold in stores.

Posted by: The Le on 2/15/2012 8:44:03 AM
Great. A Super Rare Generic. F-U Wizkids. F.....U.....

Posted by: Krusticlese on 2/15/2012 8:38:43 AM
This guy is inferior in pretty much every respect to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Field Agent from Captain America, who has Stealth, Shapechange, and Regeneration.

Posted by: Nihilistiskism

Tough Call - Stealth, Shapechange, and Regeneration. vs Stealth, Energy Shield Deflection, Combat reflexes and potential Sharpshooter.

Personally I like the Sharpshooter to pick off Turtle teams that hide behind Stealth

Posted by: Sir Christopher on 2/14/2012 3:49:15 PM
That wording is actually already in the Player's Guide so it's been in effect for a little bit.

Posted by: PassingBy on 2/14/2012 2:26:04 PM
I like the new wording. It allows you to do the bump at any time, and as long as they are adjacent it works. HSS still doesn't work if you carry him, but, you could do the bump, TK him up, then HSS next to him and still get the bonus.

With the old wording, you couldn't give him the token to give the damage bump. You would give the action at the time of the attack. The attack happens after the movement. You can't give a character that has been carried a non free action, so, no action to bump up the damage. You could still be able to use the range bump though, since that's not an action, it's just an effect of being adjacent to him.

Posted by: Puuka on 2/14/2012 11:24:59 AM
The portion of time where a carried character is off the board during running shot ends after the movement but before the attack. The attack is a free action granted after the move resolves.

Posted by: Dreadnaut on 2/14/2012 10:53:06 AM
Congratulations on that description quoted here:

" If you've got a primary attacker with Flight and Running Shot, then it'll be able to take advantage of that SHIELD TA."

*ehem: A carried character is not "on the map" again until after the resolution of your running shot. This guy is inferior in pretty much every respect to the S.H.I.E.L.D. Field Agent from Captain America, who has Stealth, Shapechange, and Regeneration.

Posted by: Nihilistiskism on 2/14/2012 8:41:06 AM
Wow! 25 pts for 5 clicks of usefulness. For not much more than a decent bystander pog, you get a guy who can be used on some great SHIELD or soldier theme teams or just to fill up points on a team.
I really, really like this guy. Range and damage enhancement with the TA, a great sharpshooter power that will force your opponent to waste (likely) 2 or 3 attacks to eliminate him as a threat to his backfield. Can't wait to field 2 or 3.

Posted by: aqhoffman on 2/14/2012 7:56:32 AM