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Slade Files: Dracula
Eric Schaen (02/26/2013)
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Related: The Slade Files: Thor
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Goto Comments

Dracula HeroClix Dial The Upside
As you can see, Dracula packs a very impressive arrangement of combat values and standard powers/abilities. But it’s his traits and special powers that make him so beastly.

First it’s important to note that ol’ fang face has a trait that insists that he starts on his 4th clix, but he can use Steal Energy and heal beyond the fourth clix up to his first clix. He also features another trait, that allows him to hide in the shadows via Stealth, and grants him a very specific form of Mind Control.

Late in his dial Vlad Tepes picks up a special power that allows him to shift to his Mistform. This grants him a form of Regeneration that’s sure to make Wolverine fanboy’s cry foul and a choice between Combat Reflexes and Energy Shield/Deflection to boot.

He also comes with a fair number of keywords providing plenty of options for theme teams.

The Downside

The only drawbacks to playing Dracula are his complete lack of range and his hefty cost. At 214 he is taking up more than two thirds of your total points! I’m not saying he’s not worth the points; it’s just a lot for a standard 300 point build. In a 400+ game, Dracula is a lot easier to justify.

HeroClix World Recommended feats: Shellhead, Rip It Up, and Fortitude

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Your Comments:
I love this Dracula, I always pair him with Mole Man and if I’m too far away from my opponent I use the mind control to close the distance then I finish off with charge. If they are already in range Mole man give Dracula a second chance to use Steal Energy.

Posted by: Ace on 7/31/2013 10:28:31 AM
He can't use Shellhead.

Posted by: B on 6/28/2013 7:45:28 AM
The upcoming Fear Itself Dracula looks 10x Better

Posted by: The Wanderer on 4/22/2013 2:07:28 PM
I think this awesome don't like the zero range but its workable prolly gonna put him on my 8000 point team

Posted by: webslinger2099 on 3/14/2013 9:59:02 AM
@Mantis Warrior: I'm not in love with Camouflage on him. He can only use it for three clicks (less than half his dial) and they're in the middle. It also only protects him from ranged combat attacks, not Outwit, which is what he really wants to avoid.

Posted by: Zack on 3/2/2013 3:50:43 PM
@ let; he's right it was ruled on back when indomitable started showing up.

Posted by: mighty mouth on 2/28/2013 3:38:04 PM
This guys new best friend is Mole Man. Add a Composite Superman at 80 points and TK and you got yourself a winning monster theme team.

Posted by: Chessman on 2/28/2013 9:48:26 AM
Mantis Warrior: You sure about that? My understanding is that Shellhead's prerequisite is a damage reducing power, not the defense combat symbol itself.

Posted by: The Le on 2/28/2013 9:35:54 AM
Yea, I have been leaving feats off my articles as they are no longer part of the modern game. However, going forward I think I'll include a #1 feat suggestion.

Posted by: Mighty Mouth on 2/28/2013 8:38:20 AM
@Mantis Warrior: The Feat Suggestions were something I added in to round out the article. Good catch on the Shellhead.

Posted by: The Le on 2/27/2013 12:07:53 PM
Nice Write up, thanks Eric. I'm looking forward to running the all vampire team you mention when my second vamp appears in the mail.

Feats-wise you can't give him shellhead because he is indomitable and the prerequisite is for the standard defence symbol. Camouflage however is a brilliant call. One of my top 5 feats in the whole game especially for tent poles who need their immunity from ranged attacks (though not immunity to outwit for camouflage rather than stealth)

Posted by: Mantis Warrior on 2/27/2013 9:23:46 AM
This guy is super hard to kill. I played guy yesterday in a golden age tournament and he kicked the crap out of my wolf pack team. He used a lethal combo buy combining Dracula with mole-man from the galactic guardians set.

Posted by: Heroclixvillian on 2/26/2013 6:32:40 PM
Good review, pretty balanced for the figure presented. To respond to the confusion over the starting on orange line click #4: In the mothballed game of Horrorclix, which had vampires in from the starter, most of those start on click #2 or #3 also. In many cases, they have the Horrorclix version of the power, Steal Energy, named (surprise!) Vampiric. (Works the same way as Steal Energy for the Horrorclix-impaired.) In short that feature in the design of this figure is not unprecedented.

Posted by: MEsch1974 on 2/26/2013 12:27:01 PM