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Slade Files: Moon Knight (ASM)
Eric Schaen (03/05/2013)
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Related: Slade Files: Dracula
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Goto Comments

HeroClix Slade Files Moon Knight Strategy

MOON KNIGHT Dial Feat Suggestion(s)

Since Moon Knight may find him in a situation where pushing is necessary, consider the Shellhead feat. This will boost his defense value whenever he does push, or on those later clix, the Willpower portion of his special power will work nicely with this feat granting him a +3 defense.  Armor Piercing is another good choice, since Moon Knight has no penetrating damage powers.  

Combating Moon Knight
Taking Moon Knight on can be a bit of a tricky undertaking. His trait contributes to this pickle by affording him Stealth and making attacks via ranged combat more difficult. Luckily if he is using Stealth, his combat values won’t be at their peak. Of course there are plenty of Stealth-busting options that can be entertained. But, with the fickle nature of Moon Knight’s trait, pinning him down with an object-wielding brute is a sensible choice.

Characters that can use Charge and have damage reducing powers are perfect for this task as Moon Knight lacks penetrating powers. This will leave your anti-stealth ranged attacker open to take shots at other targets. Now if Moon Knight’s not using Stealth, characters with Running Shot and penetrating damage are free to do their thing. Do I really need to talk about Pulse Wave?  Let’s just say it’s always available and always works.  

Moon Knight is possibly one of the most versatile characters in this set. At 109 points he’s moderately pricey, but still leaves plenty of room to round out your teams. If Khonshu smiles upon you, and the trait plays-out favorably, you will find Moon Knight a fun character to field that can pull his weight and then some.

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Your Comments:
And thank you Mantis!

Glad you are enjoying these!

Posted by: Slade on 3/11/2013 11:01:20 AM
Thanks again Eric. I like this Moon Knight, the waxing and waning of his power level is cool, fun and characterful. Shellhead could be amazing if he lands on the right spot thogh i'm reluctant to shell out (see what I did there ;)) for a feat that i may never get to use. My only down side to this figure is that unless he is played very well he is pretty easy to take out; 16D with toughness isn't scaring anybody if you find yourself caught in the open. The effort is required from the controlling player, rather than the opponent, with this fig.

Posted by: MantisWarrior on 3/11/2013 8:43:06 AM
Perhaps he ment he rymed like a poet and didnt know it. ;)

Posted by: WhoMe on 3/6/2013 2:51:16 PM
" Either way there’s nothing hate about that trait (see what I did there)."

I always get confused when people write "see what I did there" when there is no obvious pun. I start looking closer and nitpicking - what is the significance of the missing word 'to' between 'nothing' and 'hate'?!

Posted by: Kragnorak on 3/6/2013 2:43:26 PM
I really like this version. He did really well in a sealed.

Posted by: Dr. Silly on 3/6/2013 6:40:06 AM