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• Goto Comments
I will confess I had my hesitations regarding what liberties would most assuredly be present simply for the sake of a modern audience. Having seen the movie, I can assure you that these alterations had a minor impact on the story; in fact some even improved this tale. Having grown up on the original motion picture, I can sympathize with traditionalist that may take issue with certain characteristics of the film.
Man of Steel is a more ominous and duskier take than we're used to with regards to a colorful character like Superman, but I think I get what Snyder, Nolan, and Goyer were striving for here. Like the Batman films, they are putting forth an effort to fashion a world that feels as realistic as possible for these incredible beings to occupy. With a character as far-fetched as the Man of Steel, that’s no easy task… but I think they pulled it off.
For me, the ultimate testament to a film's worth is to ask oneself, would you want to sit through this movie again? In the case of Man of Steel, my response would be a whole-hearted yes.

3.5 (out of 5) Stars
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