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Related: Godzilla Custom HeroClix Dial
The dramatic performances by the cast really helped to create as realistic a world as you can have in a giant monster movie. Cranston gives another magnificent performance. He is passionate and sympathetic and really brings the credibility to the film. Arron Taylor Johnson is compelling enough as Ford. Although at times I felt he lacked emotion considering the magnitude of the situation. Elizabeth Olsen displays powerful acting chops as Ellie. She may have limited screen time, but she wastes none of it; Olsen gives a dramatic performance, second only to Cranston’s.
Too often, remakes of a popular franchise suffer from filmmakers modifications. Typically resulting in something utterly unrecognizable and equally unsatisfying (the awful 1998 film of the same title comes to mind). Thankfully, director Gareth Edwards knows to keep Godzilla true to form; radioactive blue flame and all.
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