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Clix Beat: Thanos (IC141)
The Le (08/12/2014)
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Related: Clix Beat: Green Arrow (CJ039)
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Goto Comments

HeroClix World Thanos DialTHANOS ON OFFENSE
Thanos has an extremely high attack value – seriously, there's literally a handful of characters who have an Attack Value of 15 or higher (and most of them are the big ones)… but the lack of any real attack/damage powers and a very weak damage value makes Thanos terrible on offense. This is easily fixed with Armor Piercing. For just 10 points Thanos can now deal 1 damage to anyone. Doesn’t sound like much, but with a 10 range and super high attack value – you’re going to take ANYONE off of their starting click (which is often the most powerful one).

Continued below....

HeroClix World Thanos Dial

If you really want a little more oomph, then Haymaker isn’t a bad option either. It penalizes you -1 to your attack value, but who cares? Thanos starts at [13]! That one extra damage could totally be worth it in a tough fight.

Still, that [2] damage for the last 5 clicks of life is a real downer.

HeroClix Feats Haymaker HeroClix Feats Armor Piercing

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Your Comments:
make it stop

Posted by: deadpool on 3/17/2015 5:11:58 PM
We could just put a FULL Gauntlet on him and be comic accurate ...
This will solve a lot of issues with this fig.

Posted by: DNA on 8/15/2014 10:57:42 AM
I remember this guy. That 18 defense was a lot harder to hit back then. And outwit was not as common. Some outwit and perplex and this guy is toast.

Although, that 13 to 15 attack is devastating. Enhancement helps. Shield TA can help too. The Scorpio Key or a ring of the Manderin.

Posted by: superfriend on 8/13/2014 9:13:03 AM
Thanos is a monster!! he if freaking strong and all should bow before him mwahahahaahah

Posted by: decoder on 8/12/2014 5:28:51 AM