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Slade Files: The Flash
Eric Schaen (12/18/2014)
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Related: I Run For Life
Related: Slade Files: Dracula
Related: Slade Files: Spider-Man
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Goto Comments

Combating Flash
As I’m sure I’ve made it abundantly clear, Flash is extremely susceptible to Precision Strike. Characters that can add Running Shot to the mix are key here (I’m looking at you, Captain Boomerang). As always Outwit can shut down a speedster’s mobility and it’s no different with Wally. When attacking Flash, be aware of his Probability control. If you can attack him from outside of 6 squares, he won’t be making you re-roll your attack. 

If you're playing Golden Age, Kid Zoom is a cheap way to neuter The Flash's Hypersonic Speed right away...

Continued Below...

Kid Zoom HeroClix Dial

Special Objects Recommendations:
• Legion Ring – This is a great way to increase the Flash’s mobility from the start.
• Suit of Sorrows – This will allow you to use objects from increased damage, ignore Shape change and protect Flash from being Mind Controlled.

At a cost of 150 points Flash will take up half your team in a standard game. Nevertheless, he’s a great choice for his points and with the right support; he can be very challenging to take down.   

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Your Comments:
it me

Posted by: flash on 3/17/2015 5:09:15 PM
@ Tony, I believe so.

Posted by: Slade on 12/18/2014 6:13:14 AM
Why no 12 clix of Xmas this year? I always looked so forward to that.

Posted by: Prince of Orphans on 12/18/2014 4:29:24 AM
Does the "Vibrate Through Walls" trait's abilities stack? As in, you can use ALL of the listed abilities (Improved Movement, Flurry, deal 1 damage) and get the +1 to his defense if you have at least 4 Speed tokens on his card?

Posted by: Tony Stark on 12/17/2014 6:34:48 PM
Wally is 1 point less than the Ultimate Abomination so those two should make for a good duel.

Posted by: Kragnorak on 12/17/2014 2:02:25 PM
As always, love the article. I'm more of a Marvel fanboy, but I must admit I have very much enjoyed this set. I've liked Flash in the past, but now with the TV series I'm getting more interested. Thanks again for the write up.

Posted by: Shawn B on 12/17/2014 10:42:45 AM
Nicely done. Perhaps a contrast of the various Flashes or Speedsters or versions of Wally would make a cool article.

Posted by: superfriend on 12/17/2014 8:12:47 AM
Great article!
Another character I would suggest is Cobalt Blue to thwart the Flash.
But, nonetheless brilliant article!

Posted by: DNA on 12/17/2014 8:09:37 AM