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Awesome Clix: Green Arrow
The Le Games (01/20/2015)
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Related: Awesome Clix: Dr Voodoo
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Goto Comments

Update: Super fan Daniel C. mentioned that the OLIVER QUEEN LE is also a good figure to use. He's 50 points, the same as the Vet version, but he has more Stealth and a full dial of Ranged Combat Expert... but his range drops to 8 and he loses Incapacitate. Which would you use?

Oliver Queen HeroClix Dial

Green Arrow HeroClix

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Your Comments:
I woul prefer the Veteran version over the Oliver Queen for the other abilities that he has. Versatility in play makes for more options as a support piece.

Posted by: John R on 10/27/2015 5:55:12 PM
@upright citizen: Depends. I've looked into sponsoring players for Origin and Gencon before, but it didn't go far. Sponsoring players for local play is a big no-no in my opinion, because both outcomes are bad. (1) If my sponsored players win a local tournament, then it fosters negativity from the local community because you don't want "big companies" coming in and winning local games. (2) if my sponsored players lose local tournaments, then it makes my brand look bad. It's a lose-lose situation.

Of course, I can run my own set of tournaments, like other sites do. But if my sponsored team won my own tournaments, it looks bad on me because it feels like cronyism -- that's not a good situation to be in.

The other question is: who would pay for such a thing? Should I start asking people to donate money, like other sites do? If so, how would those people feel about me taking the money and dumping into sponsored players who could cheat them out of local tournament prizes? Again, it's not really a good situation and it hurts the HeroClix World brand.

HeroClix is a fun game that lets almost anyone be competitive. It fosters competition and friendliness among it's fans, and it's still a very local affair. I'd hate to see HeroClix tournaments turn into a place where you need to have sponsors to win. When I was judging, I had enough grief from players 50 miles away coming in to snipe good prizes from my local players -- if a "sponsored team" did that, I'd be livid.

Posted by: The Le on 1/21/2015 10:30:12 AM
I'd still prefer the Vet Ollie due to his Incap being more valuable to him then dealing damage in today's game. Yes, a 50 point piece dealing 4 damage is a bit crazy and awesome but likewise if he is hit by a paper towel roll he's as good as KO'd. Thus I don't want to rely damage on him but rather him to slow down the enemy (and potentially deal damage that way).

Posted by: Lord Logan on 1/21/2015 5:43:08 AM
I here other sites have now sponsored players and gave out race jackets and everything.

Will you be doing this?

Posted by: upright citizen on 1/20/2015 5:46:13 PM