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Superior Spider-Man #1
Avengers vs X-Men #12
Avengers vs X-Men #7 - #11
Avengers vs X-Men #6
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Avengers vs X-Men #3
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Red Lanterns #2
Action Comics #2
Justice League #1
Detective Comics #1
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Action Comics #1
Eric Schaen
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I refuse to support (buy comics) DC during this. They have no respect for their history and are more interested in trying to bring in new readers rather than thinking about their fans that have supported them for years and even decades.
Posted by: hair10
on 9/20/2011 5:42:12 PM
I disagree with xlaw n wombatboy. I didnt even read the comic, I just scanned thru it n I liked it. Y I didnt buy it i'm not sure (prob cuz I can only afford so many). I may still go back n buy it. Revamps are going to happen whether u want it or not. I think its a refreshing restart of the man of steel. As for the terrorist comment, its crap. It needs to be said, the working class is being held down by this government. The wealthy are the ones catching all the breaks. Congress is to busy trying to show each each other who has the bigger gonads than actually trying to better things for the common people. They have grounded Superman to make him more relatable to the people n I like it. Grant n Rags keep up the good work. U two certainly have my vote.
Posted by: geminimerc
on 9/20/2011 7:04:48 AM
How many times does DC have to try and re-brand their line-up? Is the New York Times running the show over there?
To change Superman's demeanor is like putting pants on Wonder Woman. We might as well put bar-b-q sauce on a Big Mac. I suppose we will find out he has an illegitimate child too.
I don't mind if they power him down some, just don't try and make him something he's not.
Posted by: xlaw22
on 9/20/2011 4:32:56 AM
Color me unimpressed. While Grant Morrison has taken the spirit of the original Siegel and Shuster Superman stories and transplanted them to the modern day, I find the whole idea ill-advised. Superman comes off as a manic vigilante, which is fine if you're fighting corrupt politicians and gangsters in the late 1930's but post 9/11 threatening an elected official (even a corrupt one) gets you labelled a terrorist. Fighting tanks in the middle of town doesn't help either. Give me the iconic champion we all know and love over this poser any time.
And don't get me started on his costume. With his t-shirt and cape he looks like a ten year old pretending to be Superman. "Hey, watch me jump off the roof, Ma!"
Posted by: Wombatboy
on 9/19/2011 11:10:33 PM