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#6 DC Invasion!
In 1988, the Dominators launched a full scale invasion of Earth, completely overtaking Australia. The alien Alliance offered to spare the human race if they surrender all their Metahumans. And so begins the DC crossover event that would effect every hero on earth, including those not on Earth (the aliens assassinated several Green Lantern Corps members and attacked the Omega men).
What a great setup! With Todd McFarlane at the helm for the first couple issues, we were treated with battle after battle as the heroes were literally caught with their pants down.
There are so many different players that could go into this set, with a focus on the bad guys of course: Dominators, Khunds, Thanagarians, Gil'Dishpan, Durlans, Warlords of Okaara (from the VEGA system for you Blackest Night geeks out there), Citaledians, Daxamites, and Psions (also from the Vega system).
The results of the Invasion! storyline was long lasting, and this could translate very well with new and old figures -- Vril Dox II was introduced, Maxwell Lord received mind control powers, Wally West's father (a Manhunter agent) was killed, and more. This would be a really fun set, and it just oozes of tournaments with cool scenarios!
And don't forget the Omega Men!
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