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Clix Beat: Dr. Strange
The Le (02/28/2012)
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Related: Clix Beat: Flash (HT)
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Galactic Guardians HeroClix Dr. StrangeClix Beat is a series of articles that focuses on a single HeroClix figure and some of the great ways to play it on a team. Today we're looking at Dr. Strange from the Marvel Galactic Guardians Gravity Feed.

(Click Image on Left to see Full Dial)

You gotta' love that Master of Mystical Arts. For just 75 points you get a fine secondary attacker for your force and some great utility too. The first two clicks are identical, which is a good thing. He doesn't have any move-and-attack powers (at all), but Phasing/Teleport is will let him Carry anyone he wants up to 9 squares.

And if your opponent is a Defenders, he can lend that [16] defense anywhere he wants (or borrow it from someone higher). And remember, the recent change to the Defenders Team Ability now means Wildcards and lend or borrow that defense to Dr. Strange now too!

Defenders Team Ability: Defenders TACharacters using the Defenders team ability may replace their defense value with the unmodified defense value of an adjacent friendly character using the Defenders team ability.

Fortunately, Dr. Strange isn't just a glorified Taxi. Energy Explosion works great here thanks to a respectable range of 8, and Perplex is always welcome this early in the dial. Playing a Golden Age game? Well Energy Explosion works nicely with the Armor Piercing feat. Need more? How about this fancy Special Power:

HeroClix Online Dr StrangeShields of Seraphim: Dr. Strange and adjacent friendly characters can use Energy Shield/Deflection.

So, while that [16] defense may seem average, stick Dr. Strange on some hindering terrain and now he's got an effective 19 defense against ranged attacks! And if that wasn't enough, combined with another adjacent Defenders member or Wildcard, and that adjacent ally can have 19 defense against ranged attacks too!

What to be really evil? Stick the 139 point DR. DOOM (from the same gravity feed) next to Dr. Strange and now you're looking at a potential 20 defense against ranged attacks for both of them! Hooah! (Dr. Doom and Dr. Strange on the same team? Surely not!)

News Flash!!! This Dr. Strange, along with the Drax, will both be available at the HeroClix Online store this Thursday! That's right, Dr. Strange and
Drax will be available at HeroClix Online before it's available in physical form!

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Your Comments:
In regards to his being a detective, that's basically how his early career was treated. He would investigate mystical anomalies, etc.. (Also, it says so in his bio on the card) :)

Posted by: Tpaz on 2/29/2012 12:53:59 AM
Well with this Dr. Strange you can field a Defenders team from the Galactic Guardians with the orginal members at 400 pts.:

75 pts. #206 GG DR. Strange
100 pts. #203 GG Namor
100 pts. #2 GGFF Silver Surfer
124 pts. #27 GG Hulk

Total: 399 pts.

I'm not sure how effective they would be as a team but I'll give it a shot once I have the figures in hand. :-)

Posted by: phep on 2/28/2012 8:51:08 PM
When did Dr. Strange become a detective?

Nice support piece with a great defensive special power that can help out the entire team. Too bad he doesn't have the Avengers keyword since this Dr. Strange looks like the correct power level as Dr. Strange that's currently a member of the New Avengers team.

Posted by: phep on 2/28/2012 8:39:41 PM
With regard to sharing defenses, keep in mind he only shares the 16 defense value and Shields of Seraphim can kick in as well. To get the full 19 against ranged combat attacks the adjacent friendly character needs hindering terrain itself.

Posted by: PassingBy on 2/28/2012 5:35:46 PM
Doom and Strange have worked together before so it is not beyond the realm of reason. Strange helped Doom to liberate Doom's mother's soul from Hell. It was a good tale.

Posted by: clixkarama on 2/28/2012 1:17:20 PM
I like this version of Dr Strange, perplex, probability control, and support. I like using force blast, usually catches the opposing character by surprise and if I can knock them into a wall or blocking terrain, or off elevated terrain, take that!!
Just a note: these "extra" sets aren't "gravity feed" anymore, they are "counter top displays"....
Cool that HeroClix World gets the exclusive previews!

Posted by: pumawag on 2/28/2012 8:54:41 AM
"(Dr. Doom and Dr. Strange on the same team? Surely not!) ". Has a better chance of happening then Darkseid coming into the marvel universe to get an Infinity Guantlet Gem. But apparently that is what 90% of the players were playing thanks to wizkids suggested build for month 2 of a marvel base Tournament.


Posted by: Sir Christopher on 2/28/2012 8:48:38 AM