(Last Updated: 03-06-2014 )
When moving as a result of being given an action, this character may carry one friendly character. When this ability is used, modify this character’s speed value by –2 until the end of the action. The following characters can’t be carried: larger characters, multi-based characters, characters holding an object, and characters with any of the following combat symbols:
To be carried, the friendly character must be adjacent to this character at the beginning of this character’s action. When this character ends its movement for the action, the carried character must be placed in a square adjacent to this character. While being carried, a carried character is not adjacent to any other character, nor can it draw a line of fire until placed at the end of this character’s movement for the action. A character which has been carried this turn can’t be given an action (other than a free action) until the beginning of the next turn.
2012 Wording: When moving as a result of being given an action, this character may carry one friendly character. When this ability is used, modify this character’s speed value by –2 until the end of the action. The following characters can’t be carried: larger characters, multi-base characters, characters holding an object, and characters with any of the following combat symbols:
To be carried, the friendly character must be adjacent to this character at the beginning of this character’s action. When this character ends its movement for the action, the carried character must be placed in a square adjacent to this character. While being carried, a carried character is not adjacent to any character nor can it draw a line of fire until placed at the end of this character’s movement for the action. A character which has been carried this turn can’t be given an action (other than a free action) until the beginning of the next turn.
Official FAQ
•(Players Guide, 2014): Characters being carried are not considered to be on the map for any game effect.
•(Players Guide, 2014): The fourth sentence reads: “If a character has any other combat symbols or is holding an object it can’t be carried.”
HeroClix World Notes
•Using the Outsiders Team Ability on your character would allow it to ignore the -2 penalty, since it is a "modify" rather than a "replacement".