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Clix Beat: Quasar
The Le (03/12/2012)
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Related: Clix Beat: Skrull Assassin
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Goto Comments

HeroClix Quasar AvengersTHE 175 POINT OPTION
I definitely recommend the 175 point dial if you have an extra 75 points to spend. Those three extra clicks of life are incredibly powerful, if only for the 2 starting clicks of Hypersonic Speed (and a Running Shot on that third click).

And let's not forget the higher damage and Impervious and Invulnerability -- spending the extra 75 points turns Quasar into a very powerful primary attacker, rather than keeping him back as a utility piece / secondary attacker.

Shoot and Scoot is the tactic here -- make full use of that Hypersonic Speed and [4] damage, and don't forget about that 8 range (with two targets). If you want to be a real jerk, carry a Support figure everywhere you go.

Avoid using Energy Explosion if you can, because you want to take advantage of Hypersonic Speed as much as possible (unless someone counters it with Outwit!)

Oh, and when using his Perplex, never increase his Attack value by +1, which is a rookie mistake; always Perplex the opponent's defense down by -1.

So, should you push Quasar off his first click? I'd say yes. You slow down a tad and lose Impervious, but you get Invulnerability and a higher [18] defense! Totally worth it in my opinion, even if his damage does drop to [3].

Playing Golden Age games? Then throw Shellhead on him and pushing becomes a no brainer! Since you're always on the move with Hypersonic, Repulsor Shield is also a great Golden Age option (you can also try Fortitude if you're one of those cheesy players).

While it's tempting to stick Quasar into the 100 point utility role, it's better to put him out front as a secondary attacker. If you're playing the full 175 points, he definitely becomes a primary attacker, possibly even a tent-pole for your teams. Mobility is the name of the game for Quasar, so keep him on the move and don't be afraid to push push push!

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Your Comments:
The amazing adventures of overbiteman!!

Posted by: El Bastardo on 4/29/2012 7:36:49 PM
"Is it me, or does this Quasar look like Napoleon Dynamite? Gosh!!

Posted by: John "

I think it looks more like one of the guys from Bevis and Butthead.

Posted by: Sir Christopher on 3/12/2012 12:41:57 PM
I'm thinking of Rogue.

Posted by: Joagus on 3/12/2012 10:02:00 AM
I've been thinking is there a really good flyer to have Quasar carry around? Can anyone think of a character with flight who would particularly benefit from a phasing carry? Or indeed a single base transporter? There are a few Giants I'd love to carry but the power doesn't let him do that.

Posted by: Mantis Warrior on 3/12/2012 9:25:04 AM
Thanks for these The Le. I really like the images you used this time, keeping the dial in view on every page but with new pretty pictures!
As for his perplex in conjunction with hypersonic speed I hope I WOULD be using it on my attack value as, at the start of my move when doing the free action, I'd hope to have no enemy in range/LOS ready to HSS in and out. In any other non HSS-ing situation I'd agree 110% though!
Oh and on his back dial I love barrier against grounded opponents I would argue that it's even better than incapacitate and makes up for its loss.

Posted by: Mantis Warrior on 3/12/2012 9:20:09 AM
Is it me, or does this Quasar look like Napoleon Dynamite? Gosh!!

Posted by: John on 3/12/2012 7:03:43 AM