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Hi, this is The' Le, owner of HeroClix World (the best place for all things HeroClix!). Below are a couple fun customs I put together. As you can see, it's fun an easy to do. I literally took some old HeroClix, chopped them up, glued them onto a different HeroClix, and added some paint!
Best of all, all these customs are tournament legal since they use the original sculpts and dials!
Want more? How about a chance to get one of these customs for FREE? Sometime in the next few days I'll give away that Colossus/Shadowcat figre to the left (which sits on the Colossus dial). It's easy, just join on the official HeroClix World Twitter! If we hit 400 followers, well give that figure away for free next week!
As for the other fun customs I made, I'll give those away in a future date.
Stuff you want to know:
•No purchase necessary. Just Follow us on Twitter!
•We'll pay for shipping and handling, anywhere in the US
•Character cards are not provided. Please go to the official HeroClix Print-and-Play sections to get cards.