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Slade Files: Spider-Man
Eric Schaen (02/16/2013)
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Related: Slade Files: Ultron
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Goto Comments


Slade Files: Spider-Man
Playing Spider-Man
To get the most out of Spider-Man start by choosing a map with a good amount of elevated terrain, and make use of his improved movement ability.  Since his first attack will most likely be the one that does the most damage, make sure you back him up with some Probability Control and make that hit count by targeting that stealthy character sporting Outwit in the bushes. His first clix has his best combat values so be cautious about when you choose to push Spidey. Once Spidey’s off his first clix, you may seriously want to consider if it’s morphing time.

Combating Spider-Man
Since this Spidey does not have damage reducers, if you manage to get past his Super Senses and land a hit, it’s going to stick. Still, he is very mobile so catching him could be a problem. The obvious choice is to use Outwit to counter his Spider-Agility or Super Senses. No Outwit, no problem. Spidey is susceptible to powers like Poison and Pulse Wave as options to get around those pesky Super Senses. Taking actions that may force him to push is another option you can consider.

While a few design choices are holding this rendition back from being what I would call “the definitive Spider-Man”, this version does make a lot of headway in the right direction. No doubt Spidey here is a highly playable character and I have a feeling he’s going to surprise a lot of folks on the battlefield.

I guess you can best sum up ASM #024 with some classic lyrics from the Rolling Stones:
You can't always get what you want,
But if you try sometimes well you might find
You get what you need…

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Your Comments:
I guess so. Too bad the raised numbers on the dial already reveal Mysterio. ;)

Posted by: Slade Wilson on 2/18/2013 4:55:48 PM
Sooo... Spidey hits Mysterio with a spider tracer. Mysterio switches places with a duplicate. I assume that the tracer moves with the REAL Mysterio, making it obvious which one he is and trumping his power?

Posted by: Kragnorak on 2/18/2013 9:16:52 AM
Hmm, I think I agree that this is not a definative spider-Man but as close as we have so far. I would love to see a blend of this one and the WOS for the win.

Posted by: Dr. Silly on 2/17/2013 1:49:00 PM
Good review. Thanks Eric.
I like tis spidey for the points because he does something very different from the other spideys in my collection. My 'definitive' spidey is the one sat in a pile of webbing with a broken wrist from the WOS set. This one gives me the agility I've always wanted in a Spidey plus the thematic (if used in a thematic way by the player) TK which I never thought i'd see on a spidey but it's great to have.
I'm actually not a fan of the 'Morph' on this figure. It makes sense on the "Changing Frequencies" Spider-Man and on figures like Hank Pym and Beast Boy; but here I cannot see the theme. If he'd been sculpted on top of a pile of suitcases maybe but really how many spare suits can Parker carry in that outfit!?!

Posted by: Mantis Warrior on 2/17/2013 11:00:35 AM
He should have 2 traits- One that allows super senses throughout his dial, so he can combine it with early defend and late dial willpower. The other trait should allow leap/climb throughout so he can combine it with early charge and late flurry. Damage should start at 2 w/ incapacitate- he usually opens up with a web shot in the face before he gets serious- then either move up to 3, or stay at 2 and add close combat expert. I don't really see 3 damage with a ranged combat attack... There, now I've been specific.

Posted by: licensedhero on 2/17/2013 8:40:07 AM
Howbout a trait that allows Spider-man to have toughness, defend and super senses all at the same time? Or a trait that allows him to have Outwit, Prob Control and Perplex all at the same time? Is that so hard to do?

Posted by: SillyBilly on 2/17/2013 3:17:46 AM
Regarding your conclusion: I don't need anymore spideys- I've already got a few dozen! I want a Spidey that is dead on and this isn't it.
To be fair to Wizkids they already made the perfect Spidey (for me) in Mutant Mayhem, except his defense was a point too low.
So overall I'm only mildly disapointed, whereas the Hulks in IH and GG flat out pissed me off.

Posted by: licensedhero on 2/16/2013 3:11:40 PM