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Slade Files: DR. DOOM
Eric Schaen (02/09/2012)
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Related: Slade Files: Black Widow
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Goto Comments

Galactic GardiansPlaying Doom
The gravity feed version of Doom seems to be a little different than the other Dooms we have seen. This Doom relies on his armor’s offensive capabilities more than his keen intellect. He can hit hard from range and keep opponents at an arms length. Doom is also cost efficient enough that you should be able to get some good support pieces to team him with. Look for characters that can offer good support powers like Perplex,Probability Control and Outwit. Back him up and let Doom do the heavy hitting. Don’t forget to use his team ability to copy his teammates when appropriate. 

Since he lacks any move and attack powers, it is important to position Doom wisely. Try to make full use of his (8) range value and Ranged Combat Expert power. Dr. Doom is not above sacrificing a teammate. Use the Carry ability to carry a friendly character and place them in front of Doom to block your opponent from targeting Victor. Then on your next turn, move that character to open Doom up for a shot of his own. Consider placing him in hindering terrain, boosting his (19) defense from range to an even (20).

Try teaming Doom with characters that have move and attack powers or Telekinesis. Doing so will help make up for Dooms lack of mobility.

Combating Doom
Taking Doom on is a matter of capitalizing on his weakness. In this case, I’m referring to his lack of move and attack powers. Tying him up with an opposing character is probably the best way to keep him for blasting you for (5) damage. If he is occupying hindering terrain you would be better off using Close combat attacks, rather than getting into a shooting match with him. Move in with characters that can use Charge or Hypersonic Speed to land a hit. Since he has Invulnerability, characters that can cause massive amounts of damage or use the Exploit Weakness power are a good way to get Doom off of his first couple of clix. Remember, characters that have Charge ignore the effects of knock back. Making them ideal to not only do some damage, but also ignore his special powers ability to push characters away.

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Your Comments:
Doom - As one of my favorite Villians I was depressed with this version. The only redeeming features are the ability Hated Rivals and the power Force-Shielded Armor and Adominal. Not at all thrilled at the no Runshot and week range. The adominal is a nice touch but not enought to make it worth his points aven though he is a rookie level. 1 click of running shot would have made this a playable Doom for the points. Other Dooms are way better. Not sure on the points but not sure how much better this Doom is over the Clobbering Time EXP version

ALso his belt is way too big

Posted by: Sir Christopher on 2/19/2012 3:59:16 PM
Well it's official: I'm skipping the gravity feed. I'm slightly disappointed, but my wallet's relieved. This Doom's as lame as the Hulks in the last two sets

Posted by: Licensedhero on 2/17/2012 7:33:36 PM
Where is doom's great range?! Doom has never been one to sit still and fight, where is Doom's running shot?! And most importantly, where is representation of Doom's superior intellect and skill in the mystical arts?! Doom is not overly impressed... this makes for a... passable Doom... but ONLY passable

Posted by: dave on 2/10/2012 10:17:41 AM
@ Scratchy: I quite like this placement of powers. Sit back sniping with RCE and super high defence thanks to the SP. If anyone bases you they will either knock themselvers back with a missed attack or you can use your indomitable and quake them away. Unless your opponent has charge or HSS you'll be pretty tough to hit. Outwit would make him virtually untouchable IMO and way over the current nice cheap 139pts

Posted by: Mantis Warrior on 2/10/2012 9:24:53 AM
Another powerhouse piece for the scientist contingent! How the heck that keyword seems to get all the best figures is beyond me.

As for Doom I think he a very good piece for 139 pts. Indominatable allows him to make use of his high AV and potential 5 clicks of damage at ranged while simultaneously very hard to injure at range thanks to his SP. Just having the scientist keyword & Minion of Doom TA combo makes this guy a beast considering who you can field with him (All Star Supes + GSX Professor X at 500 pts... just the thought of it makes my skin crawl!)

Posted by: phep on 2/10/2012 12:20:39 AM
Great figure. This micro-set is shaping up to be the best yet.

Cannot wait for April.

Posted by: bugleboy on 2/9/2012 2:16:06 PM
Not sure how hatred gives him +1 to attack. Hatred should allow people to Multiattack instead (with -1 attack instead of -1 damage like in Warhammer games).

Posted by: Kragnorak on 2/9/2012 11:11:04 AM
quite a powerful package for 139 points!... nonetheless, i find that fitting for Dr Doom, one of Marvel's marquee villains...

Posted by: MikeInMKE on 2/9/2012 10:55:13 AM
One of the best Dooms for the cost. Will def have to use him.

Posted by: Japete61 on 2/9/2012 9:28:05 AM
I definitely like the figure. Quake seems sort of out of place though. That defensive power is really going to help him out. For 139 points he could be a real terror. I really hope they give the main set one the Intelligencia keyword. I could always use some of those!

Posted by: Grategy on 2/9/2012 9:07:21 AM
Sell it or trade it! The only thing it has going for him is Team ability, his trait and his def. power. Up front is nice stats but crap powers! Doom is smart where is the outwit? Yes he gets psyhic blast but that power and "quake" should be swapped on the dial! THEN you will have a doom to call DOOM! THIS IS A DOOM BOT! He is a poooosser!

Posted by: ScratchNmyballs on 2/9/2012 9:06:58 AM

Posted by: Preacher13 on 2/9/2012 8:10:35 AM
Sick. What a good common!

Posted by: Tetravenix on 2/9/2012 7:51:12 AM