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Published in 1987, this issue changed everything (for the better). All those people who spent decades reading Spider-Man finally got to see Peter Parker grow up... until Brand New Day screwed everyone.
There were some interesting fights in this book, but the heart of the story focused on Peter Parker and his doubts about getting married. It tackled all the questions we have about getting married... and doubts you would have about having a normal life (if you had super powers). Even Mary Jane, who's a super model in the book, has a moment of weakness before getting married.
This cover was important enough to get spoofed in Marvel Zombies!
From Wikipedia:
"Later at City Hall, all of the guests are in attendance, but both Peter and Mary Jane are late, leaving everyone confused. At the last minute, they both appear and are married by Mary Jane's uncle, judge Spenser Watson. (MJ's wedding dress was designed by real-life designer Willi Smith.) MJ gives Peter the tickets to France with which her ex-boyfriend tried to tempt her, and they go off on their honeymoon to begin their new life together, as Mr. and Mrs. Peter Parker. The wedding occurred simultaneously in the Spider-Man comic and in the daily news strip."
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