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Spotlight: Goldeeh
The Le (03/22/2010)
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Goto Comments

HeroClix Cyclops CustomThe Le: Ever make a mistake so bad you had to scrap the entire mod?

Goldeeh: Nope. I’m not saying that I’m happy with every mod I’ve ever made, nor that I’ve never made any mistakes, but it never came to the point where I would throw the mod down onto the floor, stomp on it, and curse it and whoever invented greenstuff (I did accidentally set one on fire, though. Darn you, toaster oven!).

When I do make a mistake with sculpting, I usually just shave/cut the part off and re-apply a fresh batch of greenstuff and start over. When I make painting mistakes, I just paint over it (I don’t strip the paint or anything like that). When I get stuck or frustrated with a figure that is really hard to make (like with the GOTG Starhawk custom I recently completed), I set it aside and work on other figures while I “cool off”.

When I look at pictures of older figures I’ve made, there some things I would have done differently if I had made them today. I, however, don’t consider them mistakes (like those lines on the faces, Carlos Mucha, hehe). I think my techniques have simply “evolved”.


HeroClix Custom Goldeeh Hon Hal Jordan

HeroClix Goldeeh Hon Lanterns

HeroClix Custom Goldeeh Hon Even more Lanterns

You can see many more custom images at Goldeeh's website. That's also the best place to contact him for commissions. Please consider leaving comments below.

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Your Comments:
Wow........She makes the craptastic old heroclix sculpts look pretty, and her customs sculpts are awesome. Well done!

Posted by: Fang the Javatar on 6/5/2013 6:49:38 AM
i love these clixthey are freaking amazing. i would so pay anything for these. any for sell?

Posted by: webhead2013 on 10/30/2012 7:14:31 PM
Hello people. I haven't been here in a while (and neither have a lot of people, haha. Last post was in January.). Thank you for all the compliments! I really appreciate it. I see a lot of questions... If anyone has a question on how I made the figures (tips, parts, tools, paints, etc.), commissions, etc., please e-mail me at

My website has been down for a while, but some of my newer work can be seen on Facebook:

Thanks again!!!

Posted by: Goldeeh on 6/22/2012 4:09:13 PM
some are alot better than real peices

Posted by: bp29 on 1/29/2012 7:38:01 AM
well done Goldeeh your amazing I love your lantern sculpts but the black lanterns their the best

Posted by: morgan smith on 12/31/2011 2:51:58 PM
Man black lanterns need to brush their teeth an have plastic surgery

Posted by: morgan smith on 12/31/2011 2:48:50 PM
you may never see this but im a huge fan of silver hawks that rocks

Posted by: betle on 10/2/2011 5:31:08 AM
how do you get the actual figures and their poses ? do you make them or are they just figure you had then repainted?

Posted by: mario on 6/17/2011 9:15:04 PM
Congrats, Goldeeh, you've done so much good work! This guy is always humble and everything he's done is through hard work. Nicely done. Kudos.

Posted by: Preacher13 on 1/15/2011 11:24:46 AM
DAMN... Dude's got skills...

Love to know what you'd ask for some of those Lantern Sculpts...

Posted by: MEsch on 11/21/2010 5:30:53 PM
Do you ever use decals? clear or white?

Posted by: Apov1 on 11/20/2010 5:26:34 PM
man you are incredible you are marvel pleas tell me how you make the superman prime of de sinestro corp,your frien from mexico raviel ...
man i'm your fan¡¡¡¡

Posted by: raviel on 8/17/2010 12:34:01 PM
amazing. my fav's are armor spider-man with cap's shield and superman with thor's hammer and cap's shield.

Posted by: cody huges on 7/20/2010 1:17:08 PM
he dosnt answer emails all that great though

Posted by: jack on 6/30/2010 12:28:13 AM
id pay for a silver-hawk set!

Posted by: jack on 6/23/2010 1:56:01 PM
Those are amazing! Great job and why are you not working for Heroclix?

Posted by: Badger on 5/19/2010 3:55:51 AM
WOW! Great job JV! Mabuhay!

Posted by: Ianator on 3/23/2010 9:24:08 PM
great customs.:)

Posted by: tyroman on 3/23/2010 12:52:25 PM

Awesome interview The Le!

Goldeeh is Great and his creations are amazing, and his customs almost infinite in numbers and quality :D

I can't believe you still remember the "Lines on the face" thing, lol. Can't wait to see your new creations my friend!


Posted by: CarlosMucha on 3/23/2010 4:52:57 AM
Man,this is my favorite part of Heroclix. I absolutely love looking at people's creations, or just repaints in some cases. Myke and Goldeeh are among my two favorite modders, as I am sure they are high on everyone's lists and deservedly so. Talking with these two guys and many other talented modders over on the 'Realms has helped me improve doing my own mods. It's a great community of artists and I am always looking at everyone's stuff. I am so glad you decided to add this to HeroClix World, The Le. I think during the 'clix haitus, modding helped keep the home fires burning 'til NECA's relaunch. Guy's like Goldeeh and Myke and many others kept cranking out new and really interesting pieces for everyone to at least look at, even though there was no new product. Excellent interview in what is now my favorite section of HeroClix World!

Posted by: machineman on 3/22/2010 11:59:28 PM
Please note that custom mods will almost always look better than a standard HeroClix figure.... it's simply not comparable. This is because individual figures are given much more detail -- the kind of detail you can never get in a $12.00 booster of mass produced painted hero figures. HeroClix figures really look great the way it they are now. On the other hand you have Warhammer, which are extremely detailed... but they're also unpainted... and $10.00 for one figure. Make no mistake -- you are getting a great deal for that HeroClix booster box!

Posted by: The Le on 3/22/2010 4:28:48 PM
Awesome! Why is it with all this incredible sculpting talent around,the figures in the upcoming NECA set look so crappy? DC has been a favorite of mine since I can remember,I'm very disappointed.

Posted by: whitebatlantern on 3/22/2010 4:21:33 PM
WOW! First Myke, now Goldeeh. You're starting off with the big guns. Who's next? Ben Meissner? I heard he's kinda handy.

Goldeeh has one of the best comic-book miniature painting styles out there. I wish I had the cash to bid on his mods on ebay. Keep the stuff coming, Goldeeh.

Posted by: wintremute on 3/22/2010 2:41:17 PM