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X-Men: Born This Way
The Le (06/24/2011)
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Goto Comments

X-Men Born This WayI'm a big fan of comic book movies (except the awful Watchmen movie), and I'm also a fan of Lady Gaga. So imagine my pleasant surprise when TheWarpZone combined a Lada Gaga song with the new X-Men First Class movie!

Now, I haven't seen the First Class movie yet, but if it's half as fun as this song parody then I'll have to get right on that. Well done TheWarpZone!

(little note: It's a little too serious at first, but the performer soon realizes that he shouldn't take things too seriously, which is when this video really shines -- and make sure you stick around to the very end!)

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Your Comments:
Wow, that took some serious creativity and cajones! Loved it :)
except that d'bag Pyro. hilarious.

Posted by: Andrew on 6/25/2011 9:35:56 AM
that is really cool

Posted by: calvin on 6/25/2011 2:11:48 AM
Very cool.

Posted by: tyler"gaga"drake on 6/24/2011 9:42:27 PM
Uh...Xmen origins was Awesome! (with the exception of Deadpool: F-)
Sabretooth made the movie for me!

Posted by: Owlman166 on 6/24/2011 8:23:06 PM
I almost hate to say this, now that I think about it, but I actually really enjoyed X-men, first class. It didn't exactly follow the comics, but hey, is there any superhero film that honestly and truly does?

Posted by: Owlman166 on 6/24/2011 8:19:53 PM
"(except the awful Watchmen movie)"

Shut your mouth fool!

Posted by: Bound on 6/24/2011 4:14:51 PM
loved the song brilliant

Posted by: prekrap on 6/24/2011 1:15:44 PM
While I don't share his love for First Class, that song was awesome.

Posted by: Friendly Neighborhood Super Soldier on 6/24/2011 12:34:55 PM
lol, omg that was awesome

Posted by: Mario on 6/24/2011 12:17:35 PM
totally awesome

Posted by: Shadius on 6/24/2011 12:10:29 PM